{20} The Fucking Crackhead House Pt.2

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Alex's POV

I sigh, Richie and Bill continuing into the hallway for the room that they expect Betty to be in. I felt Eddies presence behind me before, but now i'm not sure, but it doesn't matter. He'll be there, right?

I slow my walking as I hear a voice. "Alexandria" that voice whispers. I pause, searching for where it came from. My eyes landed on the stairs that led higher up to the third floor.

I began fondling with my bracelets as I became too curious and followed the voice, slowly going up the creaking stairs.

As I was already up the stairs, looking around, I hear a door slamming shut in the level below me.


My head snapped in that direction and I could hear Eddie shouting. I ran back to the stairs, but just as I stepped on the first step, I heard a small creak and they immediately tumbled down to the very first level of the house.

"Fuck!" I shouted, "Eddie!" I yell from where I was, trying to look in the level below me but failing. "Alex! B-bill and Richie are stuck in the room! What do we do?!" he said over the faint noises I could hear of Bill and Richie banging and screaming at the door.

My eyes widened at the bad news and got up and started pacing around the floor that I wasn't exactly stuck in, but I was for sure stuck in. It wasn't completely my worst fear, but it was pretty damn close.

I couldn't go anywhere but around the level I was on, it fucking sucked. My heartbeat quickened, almost too fast for me to keep up and I started to breathe hard. Fuck! An anxiety attack.

Not now, please not now I thought, although I wasn't surprised at why it happened. I'm stuck on the very top level of a crackhead house while my friends are down there panicking about what to do.

There's no use anymore. We're basically all alone already. So much for sticking together.

Suddenly, I got an idea. I ran to the room where I heard faint screams from under and grabbed a dirty old rocking chair. I immediately started throwing it on the floor. I continued banging it on the ground, seeing earlier that the house is very fragile and breaks easily, hoping that I would be able to get to my friends.

I started slamming the chair onto the floor, tears threatening to fall from my eyes as I was desperate to reach them. I hit and hit and hit as if my life depended on it, which in this case I have a feeling it does. Then, the chair broke into small pieces, making me lose almost all hope of getting back to them at the time.

I got up from the floor, seeing that it was severely damaged, but not broken.

"FUCK!!!" I yelled loud, a single tear falling from one of my eyes as my right foot stomped on the floor in anger.

I heard another creak, along with a cracking sound and suddenly, I was lying on the floor in front of Bill and Richie. "Ow fuck" i groaned. "Ale-" Richie cut himself off with a gasp. They looked at me in fear, I was confused at first but quickly realized that it was what was behind me that they were afraid of.

I immediately got up and turned around, joining them. I looked down to see... some kind of dirty demented Eddie head popping out of a disgusting mattress.

"You wanna play loogie?" it says, black goo beginning to ooze out of its mouth, going everywhere. It starts to go crazy, almost like it's having a seizure as it continues to throw up black stuff.

The head hides back down in the mattress, but the black goo was now spreading out of it and taking over space quickly. My eyes widened and I stepped back, knowing that that stuff is definitely bad.

Psychotic// Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now