{4} Holy Sh-

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-its not as long as it looks- author

Richie's POV

"Richie, We didn't do the thing this year".

I froze in place on my carpeted floor.

How could I forget the highlight of the entire year?

I physically face palmed myself with a small frown. I really fucked up. That thing was a serious tradition that I'm sure a few students caught up to already and that I loved to do.

"Shit I-I forgot" I said. "It's fine, Tozier" She giggled which made my heart flutter. "We can do it next year. Maybe in the beginning and the end" I said with a little laugh to lighten up the mood. "Yeah, sure" her beautiful voice spoke through the other line. I smiled although she couldn't see me.

Over the walkie, I heard a loud scream. I assumed it was one of many of her small devilish siblings. "Okay I gotta go, see ya tomorrow, Shithead" She laughed. I smiled even wider and said "Kay. See ya tomorrow, Hot stuff". I sighed and left the walkie-talkie on my desk while I went downstairs for a drink of water.

"What the FUCK are you doing down here?" my mom shouted in my face, a bottle of whiskey in her left hand. "J-just getting some water" I answered while walking over to look for a cup in the cabinets of the kitchen. "I thought I told you to stay out of my way!" she retorted, taking another swig after. "I won't come back again, I just want some water." I conclude while taking out the water from the fridge and pouring it out.

Alexs POV

I laughed at the nickname he gave me and put down the walkie-talkie. I skipped out of my room to see my younger brother fighting with my younger cousin over a toy car. I rolled my eyes and turned around the corner to go down the stairs. On the left side I saw my older sister making dinner and my mom and stepdad fighting in his office along with my younger sister tugging at my moms shirt for attention. On the right side I saw my younger younger brother standing right in front of the television watching The Grinch while holding onto the coffee table for support because he can't walk but only stand. I also saw my younger cousin and my younger sister talking gibberish to each other on the couch.

"First off; why the hell is Gabriel watching The Grinch in the summer..." I trailed off for an answer. "Its the only movie we have on VHS" my older sister, Jenevive (Jenny for short), shouts from the kitchen while continuing to stir whatever substance she has in that awfully old yet clean bowl. "Okay. Second of all; what are they fighting for this time?" I ask, gesturing to my mom and stepdad still in the office yelling. "I don't know. Um, probably what they've been fighting for for over a week now. Oh, and also Sam's been out too much." she almost mumbles the last part although I can still hear.

"You think they are coming back? Our cousins' parents?" I ask, the name 'Sam' reminding me of my older cousin who goes out way too much to hang out with his stupid friends. He usually comes home drunk, but that is late at night when I am sometimes awake to help him not get caught. "I-uh, I don't think so, Alex" she says "It's been over two months now". I sigh into my seat in the fairly large dining table as Jenny sets the table extremely neat due to her self-diagnosed OCD. Everyone all at once gathers to the table and sits in their assigned/usual seats. "I'll go get Sam!" I run upstairs towards his room.

I slowly and quietly push open his door, the door accidentally making a creeking noise and startling him while he stared at a polaroid of his ex-girlfriend. Ever since he broke up with her, the drinking problem got a little worse. He looked at me and immediately wiped away a stray tear from his face, sniffling in the process. "It's your favorite sibling coming to say that dinner is ready" I say almost like a whisper just to soothe him. "You're not my sister, you are my cousin" he laughs. "I know, but i'm your favorite" I laugh back, attacking him into a big hug, knowing that it is most definitely true. He giggles and hugs back. "Dinner is served" I say into his shoulder, sounding muffled but using a brittish accent that I know he dispises. He smiles and breaks apart from the hug, "I'll be there in a bit" he states as I get up to start leaving. "See ya later, refrigerator- wait, no its alligator, right? I don't even remember" I say already heading into the hallway but backwards, just to make sure he stays with a smile.

-time skip to when everyone is already asleep-

I jumped up from my bed, immediately putting my head in my hands. I was awoken by a dream. Not a bad dream, but a weird dream. I don't usually get bad dreams and I don't know why but I just don't. I shook my head to rid myself from thinking of that crazy situation again. How could I be so tired? It feels almost impossible to feel as tired as I do, but I can never really go back to sleep without a cup of water.

I stumble out of bed, checking that I didn't wake my sister in her bed next to mine after. Sloppily trudging down the stairs, I hear a small noise but ignoring it due to how tired I was. Wait, it could be from anywhere. By the time I actually considered that, I was already with a cup in hand headed for the fridge.

I struggled to get it open but it worked. I looked at the side of the door to see an already chewed piece of gum. I gagged and realized that that was why the door was stuck. I grabbed the water and closed the fridge door with my bare foot while pouring myself a cup of water.

I sighed and pulled open the fridge door again to put back the water but instead dropping the whole jug at the sight in front of me. A clown stood inside my refrigerator with a devilish smile smeared across his face. I tried to scream but nothing came out. "Why Hello, Alexandria. Its just rude to leave your guest in such a tight space, don't you think?". I instinctively tried to run away but the water on the floor made me slip in my tracks, making me hit my head on the counter and leaving me on the floor with the clown who was slowly creeping out of my fridge. I was awfully tired and tried to convince myself that it was just a hallucination or something.

"Would you like a balloon?" he asked, showing his yellow buck-like teeth. I could barely breathe but I managed to let out a quiet, squeaky "What the fuck!?". "Here, give it a spin!" he exclaimed as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into the fridge. Holy shit, there is a clown in my kitchen who is forcing me into a fridge.

I officially couldn't handle this. He slammed the door to the fridge, leaving me in the extremely small space. I absolutely hate small spaces although I can't really tell the difference between hate and scared of. But I definitely couldn't handle being in there. My worst fear was being in tight spaces because then it would feel like I couldn't breathe or that I couldn't move. Isolation was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I began screaming different versions of saying "Holy fuck" and "Get me outta here" while banging on the door with hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

After what felt like hours but was probably just a minute, the door opened, causing me to fall to my knees on the tile floor. I sniffled before whispering one more 'holy shit' on accident. I looked up for a milisecond to see my stepdad, making me wipe my small amount of tears away quickly while getting up. "Language" he said, pulling out the milk, probably for the babies.

"Fuck you" I whispered back to him, already halfway up the stairs.

I plopped onto my bed, countless thoughts running through my head. Did that actually just happen? Was that just a dream or a hallucination? How the hell did a clown get in my house? Why did he know my fear? How did he just disappear like that?

I decided to tell myself that it wasn't real just for the sake of sleeping. Tomorrow I will have to think it over again. I was so caught up on what just happened that I had almost forgotten how tired I was. I immediately fell asleep, not trying to think about what happened. Holy sh- no. I can't think about it.

Hi! This was a long chapter I hope you don't mind. Sorry for all of the stuff before but I needed to show what her life at home was like. Anyways, Alex saw IT for the first time so thats cool
okay bye-author❤️

Psychotic// Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now