{13} Coming Over

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Alex's POV

I roll my eyes at Richie trying to explain to me why he had that terrible save. "Well at least it worked!" He chuckled. I punch him in the arm and jump onto my bed.

We were in my room, trying to avoid any contact from anyone else in the house again because anyone else who spots us will annoy me and that is a fact.

"Whatever" I conclude, touching the scrape on my chin. I wince slightly at how it hurts and look at Richie. His black eye was now very visible.

"How did my mom not see anything wrong with us?" I ask, confused. "Bu-" "Other than that" I cut him off, knowing he was going to say the sweater thing. He touched his eye, also wincing a little.

Just then, Jenny passed by my door while she was on her way to her room. She immediately ran back into my room when she noticed what was on my face.

"What the hell happened!?" She asked, actually saying 'hell' this time. I smirked as she studied my face all over, seeing the scrapes, cuts, and all that jazz.

"It's nothing!" I answered quickly, noticing that Richie wanted to answer before me. She gave me an unconvincing look, but decided to leave it. I smiled and waved at her aggressively as she slowly walked out with that unconvinced look still on her face.

When she finally left, I turned to Richie. "We do not speak of what happened today, got it?" I said. He nodded normally. "Why didn't she ask about me?" He asked, I laughed and ruffled his hair. "That's because she doesn't like you" I say while getting up from the bed.

"What! No no no, everyone likes me!" He said, sounding confident although it was a lie. I giggled "Untrue!" I say, holding up my finger as if it's an important fact.

He shakes his head with a smile. "Ununtrue!" He protests, copying my actions. "Well... what about literally everyone in school" I say. He sighs dramatically in defeat, fake pouting. "Ya got me there, princess" he looks to the floor, still pouting like a spoiled baby. But, my mom instincts kick in and before I know it I'm sitting next to him.

"Aw, don't fell bad. Everyone hates the losers, which includes me and you" "hate is a strong word-" "fine, dislikes us.". I hug him, it really was true. Almost everyone in school hate-... dislikes us.

""Y-yeah... well I mean, it's not that bad. If they shoot at us we can always fire back" he said. "But we don't" I retort. "What?" He asks in confusion. "We don't. We never fire back..." I trail off with a sigh before continuing. "... I guess it's because we're scared." I conclude. "Scared? I'm not scared, I'm just... ambivalent"

"Oh yeah? Well then I dare you to stand up to Bowers next time you see him!" I exclaim. "Fine, but I dare you to stand up to Gretta next time you see her!" Richie said back, very nervous at my statement. I rolled my eyes but nodded in response. We did our same handshake along with the pinkie promise handshake just 'cause we're still babies.

General POV

Richie let's out a shaky sigh, not wanting to face Henry again. Not after this.

He nods casually, the silence now taking over. Alex fidgets with her fingers, not knowing what to do now.

The two suddenly make eye contact. Richie smiles almost immediately, falling into the trance that she knows nothing about. Alex smiles too, noticing how his chocolate brown eyes softened. She took a moment to admire the adorable freckles that were scattered across his nose that reminded her of stars and constellations. One of her favorite things in the world were to look at the stars at night and see how they twinkled and shined in the moonlit sky.

Neither of them knew what they were doing, but they were slowly leaning in. Not breaking eye contact, they were both so lost in each other that they forgot about the world around them.

"Dinners ready!" Jenny suddenly shouted as she raced across the hall, not seeing them. The both snapped their heads to the door at the sound, being reminded of the reality that surrounded them.

Alex's eyes widened, still staring at the door. Had she really almost kissed the Trashmouth of the school? Had she seriously been that close to kissing the Richie Tozier? She didn't know what she was doing, at least that's what she told herself.

As for Richie, he was practically drowning in Alexs soft brown eyes, he also didn't really notice what he was doing. His eyes were also big, even bigger with his huge glasses staring at the hall outside.

He glanced at Alex, "Wel- uhm. I-I gotta um, I think I n-need to go so uhm... bye" He stammered quickly while getting up from her bed. "Uh, yeah, okay well uhm... bye?" She waved as he walked out of her room with glowing red cheeks.

She too had flushed cheeks herself, but why? Why did she have butterflies in her stomach and the slightest bit of a smile on her face?

Alex blinked a few times before she stood up and headed downstairs for dinner. Richie had already left so she didn't have to deal with more redness on her face.

Richie, on the other hand, was walking through the cold, fast breeze that would soon turn into a rainstorm while hugging himself tightly. Only a few more steps and he would be at his own doorstep, his least favorite doorstep.

He arrived the foot of the welcome mat on the floor and released a sharp breath. His head hung low, staring at the doorknob nervously before pushing it open with his silver house key. He was still very red, but it kind of wore off when he realized that his parents wouldn't be too happy to see him with cuts and bruises scattered on his face.

He had a small amount of anxiety in him, already having the door handle twist and open ever so slightly which revealed his dad on the couch holding a newspaper in his hand and a glass of liquor in the other with his mom sitting next to him asleep with also a glass of liquor by her hand.

He regretted peeking inside his own house, because he suddenly had this incredible urge to run back to Alex's house and stay there forever.

The urge that he thought was the anxiety completely took over and he closed the door shut, racing across the street back to Alex's house. What the fuck am I doing? He thought while raising his gaze over to Alex's window.

Alex had just gotten out of the shower, wearing sweatpants and an oversized AC/DC t-shirt with her hair curlier than usual. Almost just as curly as Richies.

Richie swiftly snatched her stepdads ladder from the side of the house and positioned it for him to be able to get to her window without a problem. He climbed up quickly and threw the ladder to the grass. Richie was now in front of Alex's window which had curtains covering the image of her sitting on her bed writing in her not diary. Of course, he didn't know that yet, he had just been Coming Over.

Hello people!!! Well that was kind of a long wait again and I'm sorry. I don't know why this chapter took a while to write. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and I am hoping to have the next chapter ready soon so yeah
Ok bye- author❤️

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