{12} It's Really Nothing

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#unedited lol

Alexs POV

It happened so quickly, and soon enough, I felt the cold water of the quarry surround me. The water filled my converse, wet my hair and soaked my clothes, but most of all, the water stung my cuts.

My head resurfaced quickly and I immediately met eyes with the one and only. He was just as soaked as I was and he was still wearing his cracked glasses. I looked up and saw the super dark sky, looking like it will most likely rain.

"You're psychotic!!!" Richie exclaimed, wiping water away from his face. "You should know that about me already, Tozier" I laughed.

Richies POV

"You should know that about me already, Tozier" she laughed. I smiled, not taking my eyes off of the beautiful girl that stood in front of me. We both burst into a fit of giggles as it slowly began to drizzle.

We swam over to the shore and tried to make our clothes at least not look like we hopped into the town water fountain. We ended up looking the same because it was now pouring outside.

Alex's POV

We wore our sweaters even though they didn't really help as we passed by Old Soman who was right across from our school, as always. We said hello and made up excuses for Richies black eye and my big cuts.

It was fun running across the streets on our way to our neighborhood. Trying to avoid the rain and failing because Richie slipped on the empty, dark road. I laughed out loud as Richie did the same but on the floor.

We ran to the other side of the road and laughed half the way to our houses.

In the process of debating wether we should get ice cream or not, we found out that a thunderstorm was going to happen tonight. Later we decided not to get ice cream because we found out that Richies spare five dollar bills got wet at the quarry.

"Hey Richie!" I said, Richie turning towards me. Before he could say anything, I had snatched his glasses off of him and put them on myself.

"How do I look?" I asked, making stupid poses and peace signs. "Probably cute as always... but, I can't fucking see" he chuckles. I slightly blush while laughing and give them back to him.

As we finally made it into our neighbourhood, we passed by the wet, rainy and empty community park that we used to play at together.

The trees that surrounded us looked similar to a roof, making an arched top and slightly covering us from the rain.

My eyes wandered around the beautiful scenery as Richies did the same. I felt a hand brush mine and I glanced at Richie. I got a glimpse of him and he was blushing like crazy, trying to hide it. Although I completely didn't think this would happen, butterflies swarmed in my stomach and I couldn't help but smile.

"So trashmouth-" "Are you talking to yourself or to me" he cuts me off mid question. I roll my eyes. "So Richie, why were you even at the quarry today?" I ask. He sighed and looked at me. My eyes squinted slightly and my hand turned into a fist. "I swear I will kick her fucking ass soon" I cursed, already knowing why.

He smiled a little, not arguing with my statement, which made me chuckle.

Richies POV

"I swear I will kick her fucking ass soon" she says.

I smile, and in that moment, I realize how much this girl means to me. How much she has been through with me and how long I've known her. I realize how many nights I've spent on my carpet floor thinking about her and how some days are just so much happier when she's around.

She chuckles at my small silence of thinking, oblivious to what I've realized.

We finally reached the part where we split off by her house. It stopped raining, but I knew it was just getting ready for the big storm for tonight. I fixed up my glasses and my still very wet sweater on me and stood awkwardly for a second.

"Well, today was weird" she chuckles, copying the same sentence she said on the last day of school when we were in the exact same position. I smile and we do our usual handshake.

It was silent again and awkward again. I knew why. That day she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Maybe she can do it again. I smirked at my thoughts but came back to reality when she asked me a question.

"Actually, do you want to come over for a bit?" She asks, making my heart skip a beat. I smile like a five year old that just got handed free candy and nod. She smiles too as we begin walking to Alex's house.

We entered and immediately welcomed by Alex's younger sister, Conner. She runs towards me and engulfs me in a huge hug, only going up to my waist.

I laugh and hug back. Alex puts on a fake shocked face, "And I don't get a hug?" She asks, putting a hand to her chest as if she were hurt. I chuckle, "no" the little girl answers simply before skipping down back to the table.

Alex rolls her eyes and we walk deeper into the chaotic yet warm and happy home.

"Hey mom!" She waves at her mom who was wearing slightly big but comfy looking plaid pajamas and a braid in her hair. I notice that they are basically the same height, but Alex was wearing shoes so she was taller at the moment.

I wave at her mom, "Hey Mrs. Noxin!" I exclaim, giving her a big warm hug. "Richie! Haven't seen you in a while" she smiles. I nod, not knowing how to answer to that.

Alex's POV

"Alex!" She gasps, probably noticing the cut on my face. I smile awkwardly, "Oh yeah, that was a... branch! A branch. You know, all those pointy sticks in the woods. Hate 'em!" I come up with an excuse right on the spot. Fortunately, she believed me enough to let it slide. "And what's that on your sweater?" She asks curiously, pointing at two spots on my big sweater. I look down to see a smothered blob of blood on the end of my grey sweater. I look to the other spot and see more blood on my sleeve. I purse my lips, remembering how my nose started bleeding and how the blood from my face dropped to my sweater. I couldn't think because of how nervous I was.

"Um- I guess it's that time of the month!" Richie exclaims, also nervous. I give him a bad look, a sarcastic 'nice save' look. He non visibly smirks and shrugs a little. "O-oh...kay?" My mom says, letting us leave her in the pool of lies we just left her floating in.

I smile again, even more awkward than the first one. We quickly but unsuspiciously walked upstairs. "What the fuck, Richie!!!" I whisper-yelled, smacking him hard on the arm while he just giggles like a maniac. "It's Really Nothing! How did she notice that anyway?"

Hi!!! Oh my goodness that was a really long wait I'm sorry for that. I've been doing more reading than writing on this app lately because I finished my favorite books so I'm looking for more. Also, I changed the cover of this story! Hope you like it and this chapter!
Kay bye- author❤️

Psychotic// Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now