Chapter 1

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"7!....6!...5!..." everyone counted down. It was the last day of school and the hype was up. "4!...3!...2!..." the bell rang and everyone whooped and hollered. I mean, they didn't throw their papers up in the air or burst into a musical number, but hey, you get the gist.

As people filled the hallways, talk of the senior bonfire was everywhere. At the end of school each year, the seniors would throw a massive bonfire party. Kind of like, their going away party. Usually only juniors and seniors went with maybe a few select sophomores and maybe some daring freshmen.

Being a junior, or I guess rising senior now, this was my first year going, and I was more than excited.

Now let's skip ahead a bit, to the moment that changed everything. The moment that crushed my dreams of going to this bonfire. The moment when all of my excitement and happiness was torn to bits and tossed into the wind. The moment that turned my summer plans to ash as I watched them burn right before my very eyes.

"Oh, stop being so over dramatic, Charlie, it's just a camping trip."

"But Mom! You don't understand! I've been looking forward to this bonfire for a long time, and now I won't even be able to go?! That is so lame! And why on earth would you wait to tell me about this little 'adventure' until the last minute!" I shrieked.

"That's not the only thing I forgot to tell you," she said as she attempted to hide the mischievous look on her face. "The Johnsons are coming with us," she said as she continued packing as if I wasn't on the verge of exploding.

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Charlotte Mae would you please stop shouting in the house!" she scolded.

"Why do you have to be friends with them?! THEY ARE PURE EVIL!"

"I happen to adore the Johnson family. You know your father and I have been friends with Sharen and Tod since college," she said with a smile.

"That's good for you guys, Mom, but I don't think you have realized that their son is Satan's spawn!"

"Aaron is so cute. I don't know why you don't like him."

I groaned. "Alright, first, you were the one who said to never judge a book by it's cover. Second, looks aren't anything anyway. And third, Satan also happened to be a beautiful angel to begin with, but LOOK WHERE HE IS NOW!" I said as I pointed to the ground.

My mother snorted. "Don't be such a drama queen. You're going and that's final."

I grumbled under my breath before standing up. "Fine. But have fun telling Connie."

"Have fun telling me what?" my thirteen year old sister asked as she walked into the room.

"I would run while you still have the chance," I muttered.

"Charlie," my mother snapped before turning back to Connie. And in the same calm voice, she said "We're going camping with the Johnsons."

A look of pure horror flashed across Connie's face. "What?! NO!" she shouted. 

My mother sighed as she rubbed soothing circles into her temples. "You girls are giving me a headache."

"How could you make me go on a camping trip with my arch enemy?!" Connie cried. You see, Aaron had a sister as well. And Connie happened to hate Alexis as much as I hated Aaron.

"We are going, and we are GOING to have a nice time. Understood?" Mom said sternly.

We both nodded our heads stiffly before walking out into the hall.

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