Chapter 8

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"So, are we considered actual friends yet?" Aaron asked after we had dinner.

I thought about it. "I don't know," I replied honestly. It was strange, once I thought about it. I used to hate him. But he taught me how to swim and helped me win the poker game to go to the bonfire when he didn't have to. 

And I actually danced with him. By my own idea. 

"So um," Aaron said as he drummed his fingers on his leg. "What do people usually do at this bonfire?"

I glanced over at him for a second from the driver's seat. "Are you, nervous?" I questioned.

"What? No," he scoffed. In the dark I couldn't tell if he was blushing or not. "I just don't usually go to such huge parties," he said matter of factly. "Plus, I don't know anyone from your school."

"Well your school isn't that far away from ours. Sometimes kids from Bellepoint crash if they have enough friends from our school," I said reassuringly. "Who knows, maybe you'll see someone you know."

He stayed silent. 

I could already hear voices and music when I pulled into the parking lot of Waverly Field. It was a pretty large, open field that no one had built on yet because usually this is where all of the big summer events were held. Especially when the annual fair came around they needed space to set up booths and the Ferris wheel.

I grabbed my sweatshirt from the back of the car and pulled it over my head before stepping out into the chilly night air.

Aaron and I walked together towards the bonfire. A few of the seniors who had trucks had parked them here and there around the fire. Not too close, but close enough to be seen clearly by the glow of the fire. Some held kegs, one held a large speaker that was playing music, and others just held people that were sitting and drinking, or making out.

"YOU MADE IT!" I heard before being tackled.

"Maya I appreciate your enthusiasm but would you get off," I wheezed.

She stepped back and turned towards Aaron.

"So you're the famous Aaron?" she asked.

He rose an eyebrow in my direction. "Well it's true, my name is Aaron, but I had no idea I was 'famous'," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh you're quite famous. I complain about you all of the time."

Aaron's smirk grew into a grin. "But you are talking about me."

I shook my head. "You're ridiculous."

"Hey Charlie," someone said behind me. 

I spun around and my heart rate picked up. "Hey Jared," I said with a deep smile.

"Jared?" Aaron asked beside me.

My eyes widened.

"Jared Fisher?"

"Yeah, do I know you?"

I winced.

"Really?" he said, not buying it. "What's his name?"


"Last name?"

"Fisher," I said before wincing. Jared fisher was my crush. Why on earth would I say that he was my boyfriend?

I turned around to look at Aaron. Pleading with my eyes that he wouldn't say anything embarrassing. 

Noticing my look of panic, he rose an eyebrow in my direction.

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