Chapter 2

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"Wow you suck at this," Aaron said as the tent came apart for the third time.

I turned to face him as I stood up straight and put my hands on my hips. "Why don't you actually help me put it together instead of just standing there insulting me?"

He shrugged. "I am helping," I rose an eyebrow. "I'm supervising."

I pretended to look over his shoulder and put on a fake smile. "Hello Mrs. Johnson, your son here-"

That made Aaron get to work so fast he didn't even bother to look behind him. Which was great for me since his mom wasn't actually standing right behind him.

Charlie: 2  Aaron: 0

The first night was beyond awkward. Our parents sung songs around the campfire while us kids awkwardly sat there hating each other. At least we all have one thing in common though. Self pity. Pathetic right?

"Does anyone want another hot dog?" Mr. Johnson asked.

"No thank you," I said politely. "I think I'm going to head in early, actually."

"Are you sure?" my mom asked.

I nodded. "Today really wore me out."

"Well ok. Goodnight," she said and the other adults bid me goodnight as well.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mrs. Johnson nudge Aaron. He shot me a sickly sweet smile as he said, "Sweet dreams, princess," before giving me a finger wave and rolling his eyes.

"Dido, frog man," I replied.

"Frog man?" Lexi asked confused.

I shrugged. "Yeah, you know. The princess and the frog. Frogs are slimy and gross so I thought it suited him well," I said before turning around and heading for the tent.

"Charolette!" my mother hissed but I just pretended not to hear her.

Once I entered my tent I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Maya's number. I was dying to know how the party was going. But when she picked up, it sounded like her mouth was full of food and I could've sworn I heard shooting in the background.

"Where are you?" was the first thing I asked.

"At home watching a movie. So what's up?" she asked casually.

"What's up?" I asked incredulously. "Why aren't you at the bonfire?!"

"Oh. It started raining up here so it got rescheduled," she explained. "Maybe you can actually come now!" she said excitedly. 

"When is it?" I asked, my own excitement building.

"Next Saturday."

My excitement faded. "I'll still be here," I said miserably.

"Just sneak away for a while. One night won't hurt anything."

I could feel a spark of hope bloom within me. "Ok. We'll have to plan something." The zipper to the tent started to come down. "Alright, I've got to go, so I'll talk to you later, ok? Bye!" I said hurriedly before quickly hanging up.

"How could you just leave me back there with that troll?!" Connie whisper yelled as she entered the tent. 

I sighed in relief. "Geez, for a second I thought you were Mom."

"Gosh I hate it here already," Connie said as she got settled into her sleeping bag. "Do you even get service up here?" she asked pointing at my cell phone.

I shrugged. "Apparently. I guess we're not too far out. But my cell phone doesn't have full battery and will most likely die in the next few days," I said as I turned it off. "So basically we won't be able to call anyone for help if Aaron and Alexis try to kill us tonight."

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