Chapter 7

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I unzipped the tent and let the light shine in. Lexi groaned and turned her head away. Aaron didn't seem to notice.

"Aaron," I hissed, not wanting to bother Lexi for a change. "Aaron get your hairy butt up."

"My butt's not hairy," he mumbled.

I snorted. "Sure it isn't, but that's not important! LET'S BLOW THIS TACO STAND!"

"Ten more minutes," he grumbled as he waved me off.

I sighed as I tapped my foot impatiently. And then, just as if a light bulb had appeared above my head, I pulled out my phone and searched through my play list.

I turned the volume all the way up, gently set it next to Aaron's head, and pressed play.


"AHHHH!" he jumped up, flinging the sleeping bag over Lexi.

She sat up and growled.

Yes. Growled.

I gave her a sheepish smile and grabbed my phone.

I clicked pause and pointed at Aaron. "Get dressed," I commanded. "I'm leaving in 20 minutes with or without you," I said before walking towards the fire where my dad was cooking breakfast.

He rose an eyebrow as I sat down beside him and grabbed a plate. "Don't look so eager to go," he said as he placed some eggs and bacon on my plate.

I grinned as I shoved a fork full into my mouth.

My dad looked over his shoulder before leaning over to whisper, "You and your mother have had the talk, right?"

Which ensued my coughing fit. My dad clapped me on the back and I winced as the bacon chunk scraped my throat on the way down.


"Well has she?!" he asked, looking even more worried now.


He sighed in relief. "Good. But just know, I still don't like the idea of you spending the night with Aaron," he said in a low voice.

"Dad, trust me, nothing is going to happen between Aaron and I. We're just friends. Sheesh, ya psycho."

"I'm not a psycho, I'm a worried father," he said as he flipped the next batch of bacon, "who has a gun," he muttered.

I grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Once I stood up, someone jumped on my back and almost made me lose my balance.

"TAKE ME WITH YOU!!" Connie pleaded straight into my ear.

I pried at her arms that were choking me to death. "And have to watch you all night? No way! Now get off of me!"


"Quit being so dramatic, Constance," Lexi sneered as she came out of her tent.

Connie dropped from my back and glared at her.

"Sorry, Connie, but you're staying. You're sister will be back tomorrow," my mother said as she came out of the camper.

"But why does she get to go?" Connie whined.

"Because Aaron got a lucky hand," my mother told her simply, leaving Connie utterly confused.

"Aaron! COME ON!" I shouted as I grabbed the keys from Mom and headed towards our car.

"Give me a second woman!" he shouted.

I hopped in and started the car. "I'm leaviiiinnggggg!" I sang as I revved the engine.

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