Chapter 5

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"I'm dying here. Please save me," I whined into the phone.

"Calm down, it can't be that bad," Maya told me.

"I almost drowned!" I shrieked, almost falling off the swing I was sitting on.

"He didn't know you couldn't swim! Cut him some slack! Sheesh."

I shook my head. 

"Oh, guess who I saw the other day," she sing-songed.

"Who?" I played along.

"Jared," she said excitedly. "He walked over to me when he saw me and asked me if I was going to the bonfire, and then when I said yes, he asked if you were going as well!" she squealed. 

My face heated. "H-he could've just been being polite!" I told her.

She snorted. "Puh-lease, girl, he only came over to me because he knew I would know if you were going or not."

I sighed. "Well, I hope I can go," I told her. I still hadn't really thought of a plan yet. "I was thinking-"

"Hey," someone said behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Aaron leaning up against a tree.

"Maya, I've got to go, I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Ok, but go easy on the poor boy!" she shouted, loud enough to make me wince and pull the phone away from my ear.

Aaron, who obviously heard her, smirked. "Yeah, Charlie, go easy on me."

I crossed my arms over my chest and turned back around. I was still mad at him.

"Come on, don't be like that," he said as he walked around the swing so that he was standing in front of me. "I honestly didn't know you couldn't swim," he said with a small, guilty smile.

"Well you shouldn't have thrown me into the lake to begin with!" I snapped.

"You shouldn't have tripped me and made me get stung by bees!" he countered.

"That was an accident!" I said as I threw my hands up into the air.

He rose an eyebrow in disbelief. "Alright, how about this," he said as he stepped closer to me and grabbed the ropes of the swing. "To make it up for almost drowning you, I will teach you how to swim," he proposed.

I rose an eyebrow. Was Aaron actually trying to be nice?

This is unheard of.

"I don't want your help," I said as I scowled at him.

"That may be true but it's obvious that you need it," he said seriously.

I huffed. I would not give in, I would not give in.

But, I really did need someone to teach me how to swim.

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth.

He grinned. "Cool."


"Charlie, you actually have to get in the water if you want to learn how to swim," he told me.

"But it's cold," I whined.

He smirked, before cupping his hand and sending a wave of water my way.

I gasped as the cold water hit my bare skin.

"Come on, don't be such a baby," he teased.

I sent him my best death glare. But I did as he said and slowly walked into the water. Once I was waist deep and standing in front of him I put my hands on my hips.

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