Chapter 3

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We were eating biscuits and gravy when Lexi and Aaron woke up.

"Mom, I think our tent is starting to smell," Aaron complained as he plopped himself down into one of the camp chairs set around our little eating space.

"Did a skunk come and spray it?" she asked.

"I don't think so," he replied as he scratched his head.

"Well we'll figure it out later. For now, just eat some breakfast," she said as she handed him a plate.

I smirked. "Nice bed head," I quietly.

"Shut up," he replied as he shoved a biscuit into his mouth. "You're not exactly a 'looker' in the morning yourself."

I snorted. "At least I don't have rats making nests in my hair."

"For you, it would be an improvement," he said with a smirk.

"You two are just so cute together," Mrs. Johnson squealed. "Aren't they cute, Claire?" she asked my mom.

She nodded and giggled like a school girl. "The teasing is only the beginning."

"Gross, please stop," I begged. 

"Seriously, I'm trying to eat," Aaron said with a look of disgust.

"Just you two wait," Mrs. Johnson said as my mother giggled again.

"Well," I said to change the subject. "What are we doing today?" 

"We're going to hike today. Get away from camp for a little while."

"Where are we hiking to?" Aaron asked.

Mrs. Johnson shrugged. "No where in particular. But wouldn't it be nice to get a change of scenery?"

"Great idea!" Connie spoke up for the first time. "Let's hike back home! That'll be a change of scenery!"

"Constance!" my mother hissed.

Lexi snorted as she walked up to our little eating site. "Isn't Constance an old person's name?"

"Lexi!" Sharon hissed at her own daughter.

They both batted their eyelashes innocently as they played dumb. "What?" they both asked.

"Alright. This is what's going to happen. You two," my mother pointed to me and Aaron, "are going to get along."

"And that goes for you two as well," Sharon agreed as she pointed to Connie and Lexi.

"Here's what we're going to do," my mother spoke.

"There are three different hiking trails. I have maps, and your father has enough walkie talkies for all of us. So, Aaron and Charlie will take one trail, Lexi and Connie will take the other, while us adults take the third."

"What if there is a wild animal out there?" Lexi asked.

Mrs. Johnson gave her a flat look. "You'll be fine."

"Personally, I'd rather take my chances alone with the wild animal," I whispered to Connie who giggled and nodded. 

"Alright, go get dressed and we'll all meet out here in about fifteen minutes, ok?"


A girlish scream pierced the air. Connie looked up at from tying her shoes and I glanced over my shoulder at Aaron's and Lexi's tent as I adjusted my backpack.

"Holy shit!" Aaron's voice came soon after.

Lexi was the first to storm out. She threw the fish into the air.

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