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fun fact

this was a collab with my classmate who writes fujoshi fanfictions about the boys in my class ~~


banka monogatari

late summer story

Neither of you had seen it coming- You had transferred to Samezuka for your last year of high school not knowing that there was going to be another transfer student on the first day, when you had headed to the principals office and saw another student towering over you. Back then in the holidays you were super excited to be the new one, because that meant that people were going to be nicer to you, and you were going to be the 'special' one for a while, and what made it even better was that you were a scholarship student, so you were going. But now that there was another new student, your heart sank. 

And to make things even worse, he was a swimmer who had countless medals and trophies and he was good friends with Rin, so that meant that they would be the new 'cool boys' of the school. But stuff happened, and instead of hating the boy like you did on the first day of school, you realized that he was pretty fun to hang out with and his indifference towards everyone else made you feel special too. You could tell that Sousuke only came to Samezuka only because of his swimming talent. He was not a good student, and he spent most of his lessons tapping his fingers on his desk to whatever song was stuck in his mind. At recess he peeled plaster off walls and drew inappropriate pictures on the desks with permanent marker. 

When Rin took Sousuke's stuff he shoved him and took his stuff back. You knew that he wasn't the best student, but he was a cool friend. He spoke to you in a kind tone and he laughed when you made sarcastic comments instead of getting offended like a lot of other people. And you even thought that you were going to maintain a pretty good friendship, but three weeks into the school year you were pressed against the wall behind the school, making out with the tall boy you now called your boyfriend.

You guys were low key together, and you loved everything about him. You loved his passion for swimming the most. Everyone who had noticed that you two were together didn't think it was a good idea for you to be with him. There were some students who thought that it was an unwise, and even a dangerous decision to be going out with this boy. And you had realized that there was actually a lot of things you weren't sure or didn't know about him. He always came to school either angry or sulking or just pissed off. 

Every time, Sousuke said he hadn't managed to pass levels in video games and he got really frustrated but you were convinced that video games wasn't the only thing frustrating him. But he always said he was okay, and because you just really loved him and didn't want to ruin your relationship you just let it go. When you asked Rin about it, he just shrugged and said Sousuke was always a mysterious guy.

Today was just a normal day, but you were in a better mood because you had managed to finish the rest of your project at home so you didn't have to work on it that night. It was pretty late, about six pm, but you remembered Sousuke saying something about staying at the pool instead of heading back to the dorms like usual. Because you knew that Sousuke worked really hard in swimming, so you decided to go to the small store at the corner of the school and buy him some food. Carrying the white plastic bag filled with snacks, you walked to the pool with a spring in your step. You quietly went to the entrance and pushed the door open, expecting to see him in the pool, but to your surprise the water was calm and there was no one there, so you looked around. Maybe he was changing. 

You grinned and blushed at the thought, but continued to look for him. The lights in the changing rooms were off. Now you were feeling very puzzled and kind of scared. After all, the size of the pool and the eerie glow of the water made you seem even tinier than you felt in the silence. Then you saw his skateboard and his bag. It was lying open on the floor at the back entrance of the pool, in between the door and the doorframe so that the door was open ajar. You pushed the door open and stepped out.

As you stepped back into the stuffy summer air you looked around, and at first, you thought it was the sound of leaves on the ground, but you realized that it was the sound of sniffling. You looked towards where the sound was coming from, and you immediately recognized the silhouette of Sousuke sitting against the wall outside. The air smelled of chlorine and humidity and you didn't like it, so you ran to him. " Sousuke!" You said, running up to him and kneeling in next to him, trying to get a look of his face in the dim light, but his head was buried in his arms and you couldn't see it. " Sousuke, why are you... Dude..." You were scared, because Sousuke was one of the strongest people you knew and to see him cry almost made you fall apart too. 

He looked up, and when you saw the light reflect his tears you looked at him in concern and wiped his tears away with your thumbs, then cupped his cheeks with your hands. " What happened?" You asked, checking his face for any injuries on instinct to see if he had gotten hurt anywhere. Sousuke swallowed and wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulling your hand softly away from his face. " I'm so sorry... I should have told you earlier..." He said, shaking his head and no looking into your eyes. " My shoulder just really hurts." He let go of your hand and brought his own hand to his left shoulder. " When did this happen?" You asked, reaching out to touch his shoulder but he moved away, and you withdrew your hand. " Sousuke, does it like... really really hurt?" You did not play sport intensively and you were not sure of how to deal with the physical nor emotional problems, but you tried to make things better for him. " Hey, Sousuke, I want to see your face clearly so are you alright enough to walk to the swimming pool?" You saw him nod in the dark, so you grabbed his alright arm and pulled him to the swimming pool area.

This was the first time you saw him like this, a tear stained face full of sadness. " I know you're disappointed." Sousuke muttered, wiping away more stray tears that had fallen down his cheeks. " But I don't think I can swim properly anymore." " I'm not disappointed!" You said. " I just want you to be okay! I- I don't know what to do, I'm sorry, but... I seriously don't know... I love you!" Your hands were fumbling around as you just shook your head. Sousuke smiled sadly. " Without swimming, I'm not me, to be honest. You can leave if you want to."

All these feelings you had for him, everything you thought was enough to make Sousuke feel loved and content with the person that he had met at the start of the school year. You were frustrated. Why was Sousuke acting like such an idiot? His love and passion for swimming had blinded him, and now all he saw was his failure. But he wasn't a failure to you. You just couldn't find the words to say it because the lack of self confidence just had to get in the way. You wanted to roll your eyes and shove him in the chest because you absolutely did not think that he was a failure. Nothing came out of your mouth and even when you tried to say something you couldn't even get a word past your lips. Thankfully, Sousuke had no problem talking at all. When he opened his mouth to speak, you braced yourself for a sarcastic comment.

" Not leaving?" Sousuke asked, smiling at you. You shook your head. " No. I'm not leaving you." " I'm sorry." Sousuke mumbled, shaking his head. " This is a mess." " Sousuke, it's an injury, it will get better. We- we can fix this, we can fill in the gaps, Sousuke, we can make things better." " What gap?" Sousuke laughed and scoffed, " This is like some cliche drama. Just stop." Then a mischievous glint came to his eye. " Wait... you mean like the gap between you and me?" An awkward silence. Sousuke reached out to hold his hand behind your head, and pull you closer so he could capture your lips on his. It was an awkward kiss because he was grinning and snickering like an idiot, and you were so embarrassed, but that was what a proper relationship was like. A little bit of awkwardness, a little bit of nervous laughing, and a little bit of unexpected things popping up along the way.

Neither of you had seen it coming- how a high achieving student and an athlete could be on the swimming pool floor making out with the backdoor still open so that the summer breeze blew through. 

i hope you enjoyed it~~

<3 grayscale

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