2. Confusions

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6 months.It's been six months since they had been married but she was uncertain about his behavior. Sometimes he behave all romantic.Sometimes rude.And sometimes completely like a stranger.She wasn't been able to understand him.Why was he behaving like this?

Did she do something wrong?

She had asked him this question umpteenth times but his answer was always one..

"You know I am just like this.You have to adjust because I am not changing for anyone.Not even for you!" he had said casually clenching his jaw.

His answer had her stumped even if he had said it several times but still whenever she hear these words from him,she felt hurt beyond words.She never asked him to change for her.In fact she love him for who he was and will continue to do so but his unpredictable behavior was disturbing her very much.She was feeling lonely even when he was with her.Her husband.

Their marriage took place in Lucknow with only her Amma,Buaji,Bauji and Payal jiji as witnesses as per his request with just a few neighbors doing some hullabaloo.

He told them all that he don't have anyone.He was alone in this world.At that time she really felt for him.She vowed to always make him happy and he would never have to feel alone again being with her.

After marriage everything changed.

He who always paid attention to her started behaving weirdly.He never took her out anywhere not even in his business parties where spouses were invited too.

Was he ashamed of her as she was not like those models who could present themselves nicely and could talk pleasantly too.

She was feeling insecure and uncertain.She was losing her self-confidence.

She knew he felt her insecurities but he never tried to ease them out.

In fact sometimes she has seen him smirk whenever he thought she wasn't looking.That caused sharp stab of pain in her heart...of feeling that her pain make him happy.

She swallowed as tears formed in her eyes.

She stood up from bed clutching the bed sheets around her bare body and limped towards the mirror.

She stood before mirror and glanced at her figure in it.She saw a woman completely pale.

Yellow..that's what the color of her skin was unlikely of .She has become a shadow of her former self.She ran her hand on her face from her furrowed forehead to her dark circles.From her bruised lips to her pale cheeks.

Then she let the bed sheets slip from her hands and she saw with tears in her eyes.

Her whole body was covered with bite marks not only because from the last night session.

They were always there.

In fact they never vanished.He made sure of that.As whenever he was in bed with her he was always hard and dominating and when he would be finished he would never cradle her in his arms to soothe her pain.

Instead he always leave her writhing in it on bed and will return only next day. At night to be precise.

Those marks have now turned blue that even a fleeting touch cause her to wince but he didn't care.He quenched his desires everyday without giving much thought to her pain.It's not that she never applied balm on marks.She did everyday.But...a sob escaped her throat...But he wont let them heal as he would bite at the same spots always as if he deliberately wanted them to never recover.

Sometime she just question...Does he truly love her or...But she always shrugged her thoughts aside as she knew he was difficult person.Maybe he would change one day for her.


Just maybe...

But she was unaware of the fact that she was trapped in his farce of love and marriage.

And trapped she was so hard that she would never be able to understand what hit her until he will be done with her.

He pressed the honk and the large gates opened.Parking the car inside he tossed the keys to the guard.

Putting the key in the lock he opened the front door and entered inside his farmhouse.

"How is Di?" he asked the nurse.

"Same" The nurse replied like always.

He nodded grimly and walked past her to upstairs into his Di's room.

His teeth clenched seeing her pale face again.She wasn't improving.He tried everything but result was same.Settling himself besides her he kissed her forehead.

Then he smirked when he remembered another pale face.He caressed her cheeks and smiled wickedly.

"I am succeeding Di.Soon she will be lifeless with dead spirit.Alive yet dead"

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