18. Her decision

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SRHNT is ranked #294 IN ROMANCE already in just it's first week here on wattpad. All thanks to everyone who read, voted and reviewed from the start till now without fail. Thanks a ton guys.

This chapter is dedicated to each and everyone of you for making it possible :)

Shashi and Garima sat down once the guards put a barrier at the floor where Arnav was being admitted in the ICU. The press was pestering them to speak and say something on the matter that why and how ASR landed up there under the water?

Apparantly a media person was present there at the scene and has secretly recorded everything that happened and more so that included Khushi crying and shaking Arnav too in her bridal avatar.

The press didn't need more than a few seconds to process who that girl was and then a hype was created on every news channel as they found the girl who was ASR's ex-wife whom the media was trying to get a hint at any cost.

The girl who filed a case against ASR and got him arrested for the years too.

For whom ASR was ready to suffer the imprisonment rather than a luxurious life outside the jail.

Aman, ASR's PA has rushed to the hospital as soon as he got the news and he appointed guards promptly to clear off the media from the hospital and to keep them out of the area as far as possible to which Shashi and Garima sighed as they were tired trying to elude the media's terrifying questions about their daughter. Khushi. And more so to keep them away from reaching to a shocked Khushi too.

"I realized now Garima that I did wrong." Shashi teared up glancing at his wife.

She understood as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Shashi ji we wanted our daughter's happiness only. If we want to see her happy and chirpy again then what is our fault in all this?" She sobbed resting her head on his shoulder.

He placed his hand over hers on his arm.

"She can never be the same again. You know that." He choked glancing at the bench in front of the ICU where his daughter was seated in her bridal wear looking down at floor.

One drop of tear would fall from her eyes every now and then but she was lost in her own thoughts gazing at the ground as if it would answer her why and how it all happened. To her?

"Does she still love him?" Garima asked her voice cracking. Her heart went out to her daughter.

"I don't know. But she still cares for him. Her attachment to him is way deeper than we thought it was." Shashi concluded.

"But love? I am not sure about that. She can never love him that way again. My daughter can never forgive him. He killed the reason of her breathing. He killed her child."

"Some times I wonder Shashi ji. What if her Rahul has survived? Had she has forgiven him for everything he had done to her?" Garima questioned which answer she couldn't comprehend.

But Shashi knew better as he recalled his conversation with Khushi years ago when she asked him to leave her at RM with Arnav.

"Bitiya why are you behaving like this as if nothing happened?" He asked as soon as he took her inside the room and locked the door.

"What happened?" Khushi asked putting on a smile.

"That person cheated on you. Arnav is a cheater bitiya. He doesn't deserve you. Punish him for what he made you go through."

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