25 B. The struggle - II

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"No one can hate you with more intensity than someone who used to love you." ~ Rick Riordan


Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around disoriented before her gaze fell on the clock.

Half past 2

She jolted up awake and found herself sitting on his bed. In his bedroom.

Her eyes widened.

She slept for whole six hours and that too at the place which was prohibited by her husband.

"You will sleep in the kitchen from now on."

She was out of the bed the next moment as she remembered his warning. But it was him who made her lay down on the bed in the morning after his monstrosity there on the floor. And the way he took care of her after that. What was his true face? What should she believe of him or what she shouldn't?

"You see, Khushi. I have a different notion of love and I will make you see each and every shade of my love till I will be done with you." He smirked evilly. He leaned more closer to which she turned her head to the other side sobbing silently.

"Let me teach you my very first notion of love. I hate it when you cringe away from me and I think it's time I should let you know what would you have to endure every time you tried to scoot away."

After that he has made her thoroughly learn what she would get if she defied him right there on the floor of his room and then he was back to being soft when he was done. He made her lie back down on the bed and,

"Rest for a bit. I will send breakfast up for you and you will eat." He emphasized. "Won't you?" He raised his eyebrow challengingly.

She shuddered and nodded vigorously.

"I will." She answered verbally.

"Good." He leaned and pecked her lips with such tenderness that she cried out in sheer helplessness.

She whimpered. He has himself made her eat breakfast with his own hands and only she knew how she gobbled down each morsel because she knew and was afraid if she refused he could revert back to his beastly nature in a matter of seconds.

After that she remember him telling her to sleep. Not telling, he ordered. And she had to lie down and close her eyes. Exhaustion must have took over for she hasn't slept properly for days or say he didn't let her since the day he wed her.

Gulping down the saliva she looked at the poolside and then the rest of the mansion. He was nowhere to be found. Seeing which she heaved a sigh of relief.

She was still in that saree which she has worn yesterday that costed 20000 which he has arrogantly told her and made her pay back the price with interest. She didn't dare use any other clothes hanged in his cupboard for her as she knew she would have to pay for them too.

She has rejected the idea of contacting her parents because if she did, not only would it instigate Arnav but also hurt her Amma, Babu ji as well who has warned and at one time pleaded with her to look in between the lines that why such a wealthy man was interested in the middle class girl like her who came out of nowhere in her life and now owned not only her heart but her mind too that she wasn't ready to listen to any of the logical inhibitions her loved ones presented her.

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