3. Miserable

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Khushi was waiting for Arnav the next day at dinner as now a days or to be precise since their marriage he hardly have breakfast and lunch at home.

Dinner.It was another case altogether.As he do come home at nights.Afterall he has to come to fulfill his desires.But here too he won't stop torturing her! He would come home late, very late...

And Khushi who always yearned to have a glimpse of her husband...her Arnavji...desperately wait for him till late preparing his favourite dishes.

Sound of car honk indicated his presence.She smiled and checked the arranged dishes one last time when main door burst open and Arnav entered.His demeanor told that he was extremely angry.His face was blazing with fire.

His eyes met hers and she gulped nervously seeing them spitting fire. Fisting her kameez in her hand she tried speaking something stammering nonetheless.

"Uh..Arn..Arnavji..D-Dinner..Ahhh..." she winced when he clutched her shoulders tightly pulling her close and than he abruptly left her, turned around and walked towards the stairs.But before leaving he turned and just ordered.

"I am going in the room.Be there in five minutes!"

"But Arnavji the food?" she asked but he had already stormed upstairs.

She was in tears by now.She can't do this anymore.She was already broken mentally and physically and the reason that she was still not shattered completely was her believe that this all would change someday.But her that hope was tattering piece by piece.

She knew why he was calling her upstairs!!

Just to rip her soul more which already was torn.

Swallowing a sob, she took a deep breath and started walking towards the stairs when she saw him coming downstairs dressed in formals.

He came in front of her and without a warning pulled her towards him and started kissing her roughly on her lips.

She winced when he started pressing her already bruised body.She cried when he bit her lower lip causing it to bleed.

When she couldn't bear anymore torture and pain she broke the kiss forcefully and pushed him away breathing heavily.

"Stop it Arnavji.I..I cant take this anymore" she pleaded sobbing.

But he grabbed her waist again ignoring her cries of pain.

"How dare you push me away??" he said through gritted teeth.

She struggled in his hold but he pressed her shoulders more causing her to yelp.

"Arna..vji its...its pain.ning.Lea.ve me plea.se..Ahhh.."

"Is it? Great then because you deserve it!" he said and pushed her away.She stumbled and fell on the floor.

He turned around clenching his fists.

"Why?" she asked shakily standing up writhing in pain.

She took his hand when he was about to go.

"Please Arnavji. At least tell me what my crime is that you are torturing me like this?" she pleaded looking at him teary eyed.

Jerking her hands away he stared at her with disgust.

"Your crime is that you are KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA!!!!" he said and left without glancing back.

Khushi stood there shell shocked.She wanted to correct him that she wasn't KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA anymore.She is KHUSHI ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA now.But he was long gone.

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