6. The Past

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"Yes Sir.  The work is done!"

"Good! Now vanish from here"

The truck driver put the phone down after listening the beep sound.

"Khushi Kumari Gupta's chapter is now closed forever." The person who was none other than Arnav Singh Raizada gave a wicked laugh which echoed in the hall in which he was standing.

"I would have let you go alive but knowing that you have that thing inside your stomach. Never. I would never had let you have something which you snatched from my Di."

After a Day

"Hello" murmured a drowsy Arnav.

"Hello, can I talk to Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada?"

"Yes. He is speaking."

"I am calling from City Hospital Mr.Raizada. It's about your wife Khu.."


"To hell with that girl" he gritted cutting the call before listening to the person on the other end.

If only he had listened to the whole talk of the person that was actually the receptionist of the City hospital.

If only!

He dialed a number on his BB furiously.

"Aman how the hell that receptionist came to know that I am her husband dammit?" he barked as soon as the call connected.

His frustration and anger fueled when he remembered the last night incidents.

He wasn't been able to sleep a wink and a feeling of restlessness was always there not letting him live in peace.It was after taking a couple of pills that he actually slept a disturbing sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

He threw the cell phone on the side table grunting and pushing the covers aside he stood up and walked to his Di's room whom he brought back in RM a day ago after throwing that girl out.


Khushi Kumari Gupta, the renowned name of the law college of Lucknow. She was bubbly, chirpy and a hardworking student of the college.

She lived life to the fullest and her life literally were her jiji, Amma, babuji and her sweet Buaji.

Her smile was infectious as wherever she went she spread happiness true to her name.

She was the student of 2nd year LLB.

Shyam Manohar Jha, final year student of LLB always had a crush on his junior Khushi Kumari Gupta but he wasn't been able to approach her because he was afraid of her rejection as she wasn't the type of girl who would like the idea of dating a guy.She was unique and he knew that very well.

Though they talked sometimes but it was just because of studies as he was senior so she would ask his suggestions regarding what was important for exams point of view and all.

It was when his university was about to finish that he realized how much she meant to him.

Only the thought of not seeing her everyday made him agitated.So he decided to at least try to tell her his feelings.Whatever she will decide, he will honor her decision.

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