26. The wall(s) around heart(s) - I

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The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down ~ Unknown

"What is it?" Arnav exclaimed coming at a safer distance from his room.

What Arham said next bowled his mind and Arnav growled.


"Why not? If you'd forgive her then maybe you'd be able to think rationally on how to deal with this situation."

"She is still walking around on her feet while my sister is in coma. She lost her baby as well. And you are asking me to forget everything and forgive her?"

Arham looked at him with a piercing stare which made Arnav feel as if he was looking through his soul. He was, actually. His next words proved him that.

"Arnav, you are not him. You aren't a monster. He was." Arham said grabbing him through his shoulders.

"He didn't have a heart. You do, man!" Arham emphasized. "Once this is over, all this would haunt you forever. Spare her please." He pressed his shoulders.

Arnav pursed his lips before shrugging him off.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Arnav suddenly started fumbling.

"You do know it very well. I am talking about,"

"Don't." Arnav cut him sharply. "Don't take that filth's name in here."

"Okay I won't." Arham exhaled. "You asked me to help Khushi. That explains a lot."

"Explains what?" Arnav snapped.

"That you care for her." Arham said knowingly.

"If I had had cared for her then I'd have left her at the altar to save her from what she is going through right now. That I can assure you!" He said in vengeance.

"Come on, Arnav. I am a psychiatrist not your employee or an outsider that I'd get intimidated by your heavy, tough declarations. I can decode even a stranger's lie and you, you are my friend. So don't try to fool me." Arham said firmly.

Arnav looked at him speechless.

"If you want me to keep helping her then you have to agree to my conditions. You'd not talk about her paying you money for using anything in this mansion."

"She told you?" Arnav growled.

"I have eyes and ears, Raizada!" Arham retorted narrowing his eyes. "She isn't a paying guest but your wife. At least for that sake withhold that torture off her or else she would become insane with the fear to even touch a thing here."

Arnav swallowed past a lump.

"If I showed her mercy I'd be degrading my sister." Arnav whispered and for that moment he looked so torn that Arham stepped to him and cupped the sides of his neck.

"That's one way of putting it. If you'd show mercy on her it would make her confuse of your changing attitude every now and then. That would give you more time to extract out your revenge." Arham knew how to make the other party listen. If not directly he would relieve that poor girl off the worries by pretending to help Arnav in his vendetta.

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