10. Catastrophe

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He didn't know for how long he sat besides her bed on the floor mourning over the past as he knew he could do nothing else except that.The things have gone out of his control that try as might he couldn't bring himself to forget whatever he did to her and his own child.

"Arnavji, I want two babies.One girl and one boy but both have to be like you!" she declared sternly making him smirk.

"Why like me? I want my children to be like you because i would love to see mini Khushis in my house driving me crazy with their antics."

In this playful banter he nearly forgot his mission of revenge but not for long as her next words stilled him.

"I love you Arnavji..You always make me feel so special.I always ask my devi maiyya that what good i did that i got you in my life? If i thank her for sending you in my life every second of my life even that won't be enough because she don't know what she gave me in the form of you.I sometimes wonder how was I living until now without you because since you entered my life I can't imagine even a second without you let alone hours or days" she visibly shivered making him gape at her.If only she knew.

Can she fake this much?

There was so much sincerity in her eyes that he found himself drowning in their depths which reflected nothing but love for him.She hugged him and he closed his eyes feeling content.

But some voices shook him out of this trance.

"Chote he...he..said he lov..loved her.."


"Sorry Mr.Raizada, we couldn't save the baby"


He opened his eyes in a snap and they were red with anger and hatred again.Early traces of softness was replaced with a determination.

Oh she wants kids hun? As if he will let her have this blessing and happiness which she snatched from his sister.he mused clenching his fist which was around her waist as she was still in his embrace.He didn't realize in the process of tightening his fist he was pinching her waist.She yelped with pain and broke the hug staring up at him.

"Arnavji.." she was cut in as he took her lips in a rough kiss making her shock with the way he was sucking her mouth as if he wanted to suck all the life out of her.But Khushi being Khushi considered it to be another one of his way of showing love and let him kiss her the way he wanted.

Breaking away the kiss he trailed open mouthed kisses from her jaws to her neckline going further down pulling her dress down from her shoulders.

"Arnavji..Ahh" She moaned in pain as he bit her hard on the side of the neck but he didn't pay any attention to her he just wanted to make her feel pain even if its a bit of what he was feeling right now in his heart.Her double faced nature was irking him.On one hand she loved Shyam and now she seemed to have moved on this easily from Shyam to him.

"Arnavji, stop!" She almost shrieked when she felt his hand going inside her shirt and he pulled away angrily at her protests.

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