5. The Last Straw

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Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"Sale Sahab please let me meet Rani Sahiba.Please its been.."

Gripping his throat Arnav gritted.

"You think i will let you be near her after what you did.Huh?"

Jerking him away from himself he pointed his finger towards him.

"Last day" He smirked "Today is the last day of your imprisonment as well as hers.When I will be done with her at the end of this day she will be there where I want her! And after that.." he laughed wickedly "You can have her as I have already had my share of her!"

Shyam stared at him with shock.

"Arnav don't do this.I swear you will regret this big time.Please listen what happened it wasn't anybody's fault but one big misunderstanding..Even..."

"Misunderstanding" Arnav bellowed "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He curled his palms "It was the freaking truth which I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears bloody bastard!"

"Sometimes what we see or hear isn't all true Arnav." He sighed "If you are choosing to ignore the truth than its your mistake and yours this mistake will never let you live once you will finally realize the truth and I am afraid that day is not faraway"

Arnav was about to go when Shyam's next words startled him,had him rooted to the spot.

"Have you ever thought sale sahab that if she had loved me than why would she marry you? You very well know that I loved her and if I had ever found out an even a single bit of that kind of love in her eyes than I wouldn't have married Rani Sahiba!"

Arnav stood shocked as first bit of doubt, a very minute one entered his mind and penetrated into his heart...He closed his eyes.

And than all came back.

His Di cries,her screams and than her pale face lying in the hospital room.

Chote he...he..said he lov..loved her...

He left the room without glancing back.

Ignoring the logic yet again he left the basement of his farmhouse where he has kept Shyam since months.

If only he had listened to his heart then maybe he would have prevented an innocent soul from breaking who was going to face another heartbreak and pain just because of him...for which he would never be able to forgive himself his entire life..

Never is the key word!

Khushi entered RM clutching the reports tightly.

She was scared of his reaction.

How would he take this news?

Will he be happy for even a fraction of a second?

She entered the living room and a surprising sight greeted her.

He was home and that too in afternoon.


She gulped painfully as last time he came home early, he had brought that girl into the house whom he...

She closed her eyes as tears gathered there.The memory of their kiss was still fresh in her mind and as much as she tried to forget that, it resurface every time and with it come the pain and hurt ten folds.

She sniffed and her eyes shoot up startled when she felt his hands on her cheeks.

"Tum theek ho?(Are you okay?)" she heard him asking softly.

She didn't answer instead she stared at him shocked.

The reports she was clutching fell to the ground as he covered her mouth with his for a soft, tender kiss.

He hadn't had kissed her this tenderly in ages than what changed today?

Maybe he realized his mistake.

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