Chapter 10: I love you

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Chapter 10!! Woahhhh we came a long way 😍😍 It may seemed small but this is a great achievement for me! I never once thought that I would write even one chapter someday, well better late than never😉.

Yo marched forward angrily and sat next to Elephant in a huff. His friends all became quiet and looked at him curiously. Yo was constantly moody, one minute he was happy, the next he became lost, and now angry. His friends brushed aside his current mood and continued normally, they decided that it was most possible in Yo's nature to change mood like they change their underwear. 

Someone cleared their voice and Yo look up, he immediately got up to take his bag and pastries from the seniors. He totally forgot about them. "I'm so sorry P'Kit and P'Beam, it was not my intention to let you carry my belongings like this. I am deeply sorry." Yo wai and bowed to them, despite his past he couldn't bring himself to be disrespectful to the seniors.

"It's alright nong, we wanted to do it. You didn't force anything on us, in fact we forced ourselves on you." Kit smiled sweetly at him, flashing his deep and cute dimples.

"Be warned nong! We will continue to force ourselves on you until we have been forgiven. For now bye and take care." Beam said cheerfully as he and Kit turned to go back. Yo was stupefied, so it was not only for one day? Great, first Pha and now his followers, he guessed he will have to tell them that they are forgiven just to get them to back up and to stop trailing him like dogs with worshiping eyes following their owners.

Yo turned to find his friends looking at him open-mouthed. Elephant jumped  and faced him, "Just how can you be talking so casually with the hottest yummiest drool worthy Campus Moon's friends?! And why were they carrying your stuffs?"

Yo was lost for words, he really didn't know of what to say and how to get himself out of this situation. There was no way in hell he was telling them the truth!

"Seriously Yo! I'm beginning to think that you are performing some kind of black magic! How come in such a short time you have all the hot items approaching you like that? These two have never been seen at the science faculty before, nor were they seen talking to someone so casually! Phana was here only once and that was to do his obligatory visit once he won the title." Nate paused then turned back to him sharply, "Does this mean you know Phana also?" She shouted and leaned forwards excitingly. She wasn't making the situation any better, now everyone was riveted on him waiting for a reply.

He couldn't think of anything so he pushed the boxes forward and declared brightly, "Look what I got for you guys." 

It worked like magic, everyone exclaimed happily and attacked the pastries, forgetting all about Yo. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat down again. 

"This is so delicious Yo! Where did you bought these?" Twice asked.

"I didn't bought any, I baked them yesterday." He replied as he reached for a pastry. The whole table fell silent, then they started laughing, "Nice one Yo but seriously where did you bought it?!" Montee asked persistently. 

"I just told you! I baked it! What's so disbelieving in that?" Yo was about to put the pastry in his mouth when suddenly a large hand grasped his and bit three quarter of the pastry in one go.

Pha groaned loudly and said, "This is sooo good baby! U're really perfect, i'm so proud of you!" He bent down and ate the rest of the pastry, licking Yo's fingers as cream has smeared all over.

Yo became paralysed, the feeling of Pha's tongue on his fingers was fire! His wet tongue sent shivers through him and he felt himself burning up. He never felt so sexually attracted to anyone before, not even to Pha. In the past he just wanted to be with him at all times, without thinking of sexual things but now, he wanted to jumb his bones right there itself! He fell in a trance as he watched Pha's pink tongue sliding the length of his finger. He was sweating now and his breathing quickened.

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