// VII. //

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I've been going around town with no destination in mind. Not only did I waste my car gasoline, I've wasted my money on craps I didn't need in the first place. In my three hours of drive, I've bought an unhealthy amount of frozen yoghurts, clear and sparkly aglets, dog collar and a hideous-looking green shirt.

When lunch time came by, I decided to stop by at a sketchy looking Italian restaurant. It confused me a little how visually crap the restaurant was, yet there was a line of people waiting to get there.

"Yes. And the last time I remembered, today is my day off. So...tata for now."  The women standing before me said to her wireless earpiece.

Not long after that, she grouchily picked up another call. "Dr.Goldwyn, just tell that pair of lovebirds they could make an appointment for tomorrow," ah she's a doctor too. That explains the frustration seething in every words she said. "Gregg! for the love of God!" She hung up soon after.

"People could be ridiculous sometimes."

"Excuse me? are you a doctor too?"

"Yeah. I'm Meredith, from Seattle Grace." I happily forwarded my hand for her to take. She grinned widely at me,

"Emma Nickelson. I know you! You're Ellis Grey's daughter, aren't you?" I flinched at the mention of my mom. She wasn't just great, but also phenomenal. She was big in the medicine field back in the day. A great doctor; just a terrible excuse of a mother. "Oh, and I heard about what happened. I'm sorry. I saw Derek a few years ago back in Ventura. He was splendid at what he did."

"Splendid he was," I agreed dismissively.

We ended up eating together. She told me about the restaurant and how the dangerously concerning building was purposeful. I was about to reject and say something in the lines of the ceiling will fall on us if we stay here any longer, but decided to shut up. After that, she changed the subject to Ventura Hospital.

"We are one of the big leagues in California. But in DC, we are just your standard hospital." She shrugged, "However, we're currently understaffed in the surgery department. Some of us are transferred to the main hospital because how hectic things are there."

"Wow, so it's that big huh?" I said, as I cut through the piece of meat that won't budge.

"Yeah, pretty much. How about Seattle Grace? I mean, aside of the list of good looking hunks you've got under your sleeves. The whole city knows about that." I liked Emma. She's so upfront and funny. A breath of fresh air, to be honest.

"Well, since we are a teaching hospital...things could be quite interesting with the interns." We then went on and on about work and even family. Without our realization, we've spent such a long time bonding that the sun is about to set already.

We exchanged number, and told me to visit Ventura. "And remember the part about being understaffed." It never dawn on me to even think about that offer.  Her words tempted me to check out the place.


"Oh people's over?" I asked Amelia just a few blocks away from our house.

What the hell am I talking about? It's my house, with the word my being bolded.

Amelia texted me about not to be shocked once I get home. Oh, she also didn't forget about the part where the whole gang was coming to set up a small get together so they and Amelia could 'bond'. How am I not informed? I hope I'll never find out.

As I get home, I kind of wished the bunch of people that came over will be nurses and, okay, two surgeons max. But the faces I saw are literally Derek's pack of friends. And mine.

Owen, Jackson, Bailey, Webber, Arizona, Callie and Alex. I turned nauseous at the sight of him. "Oh hey Meredith! Would you like to join?" Amelia innocently offered. Would I like to...Oh God! I might aswell drive myself to an insane asylum ASAP.

I'm not supposed to be even offered to. I'm supposed to be there; those are my bunch. I swear these people are getting more infuriating by the seconds. How is no one seeing that Amelia is replacing Derek? How everyone just accepted her to sit in Derek's place this fast still daze me.

I climbed up to my room while saying no thanks in a sing-song voice. When I finally laid down, I began researching about Ventura. True to Emma's words, the hospital is a big shot. 5 of their surgeons have received Harper Averys in the last 10 years. This annual awarding is a really big deal to doctors like myself.

A knock was heard. Without me even giving this rude person a permission to enter, he did. "Why aren't you downstairs playing Jenga and feeding each other caviars?" I asked Alex.

"What's up with you Mer?"

"Just very tired. Do you know Ventura?"

"Of course I know Ventura. They are like number one in Cali, and top 10 in the world. Why you askin'?"

"Would it be crazy for me to transfer there?"

Alex has been doing an awfully good work at shutting up when people are expecting his words. "So? Hello?" I rolled my eyes when he just watched me in pure confusion.

"So, Mer. I'm sorry about how I snapped at you a few days ago." Oh so now he's talking about the car incident. Just a few days late and definitely not needed.

I kept scrolling at my phone like an immature six years old, not responding his apology at all.
Ventura pays is slightly higher compared to SG. Their working hours is standard and God bless, it isn't a teaching hospital. "Say something!" He pleaded. "Why are you even talking about that hospital?"

"Because, what if I transfer there?"

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