// XI. //

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"Can you wrap this up for me?" I asked intern A. 

"And you, intern B,"


"B, can you ask the nurse to prepare Mr. Donovan's X-Ray? I'm going to go down in a few."

After cleaning up, I went to find Hunt. If there's anyone who knows everything about everyone he's the guy. Unfortunately for me, he's briefing a patient with Alex. I waited for them by the nurse's desk that overlooks the room. "Charles, what's up with Hunt's patient?"

"She was involved in the nasty car crash by the highway, and they are working to deliver the baby because the mother's amniotic sac isn't holding it much longer." Said Charles with a look of pity. 

Everyone in the room was starting to scramble, and go their own ways. Alex's eyes didn't meet mine, and frankly I'm quite relieved. I called out for Hunt before his pager beeped again. "Really?" I asked in desperation after waiting for quite a while for him. 

"Catch you later?"

"Just go" I said kicking him in the shin. 

My interns of the day are already handing me charts, and X-Ray of Mr. Donovan. The tumor isn't bad and it looks like we're not going to remove all of his esophagus. "Good afternoon, Mr.Donovan."

The guy is probably only on his mid 20s. The oceans are probably jealous of his blue eyes. His chiseled jaw and high cheekbones will put all the rest of male species to shame. "I'm Doctor Grey, and we're going to be the ones treating your esophageal cancer."

"A," I asked her to continue informing the patient. 

"Right so, the chest X-Ray that we conducted showed that the tumor has yet to spread and is still relatively small. This is a good sign, but we will not know until further test is done."

"And B, what would that tests be?"

"Chest CT, Upper GI, esophagoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound, or PET/CT. That would be enough to see the exact size and the area your tumor has covered." 

"So we will do the tests in a few hours and these guys will accompany you, Mr-"

"Matt. Just call me Matt." He smiled.

"Alright, Matt. I promise these guys will do you no trouble. I'll see you tomorrow, and if all things go well, we'll do the surgery tomorrow night. All good?"

"Thank you Doctor Grey."


"Are you still not talking to Amelia?" Avery, Hunt and I got out early since we had made the reservation at this Italian place since Lord knows when. It is a very popular and pricey place in Seattle that we have yet tested our tastebuds at. Alex refused to spend a lot of money  on small portions of food, that's why he decided not to come along. I'm utterly grateful for that. 


"And she's still living in your house?" Hunt added.


"And listen this, Avery. She's in a talking strike with Karev too. You know Grey, even when Derek is still in the picture, I've always thought you'd rather not talk to him for a week than not talk with Karev for a day." That's true. I used to tell Alex everything, especially after Cristina left.

Our food came at last, and the three of us ordered a bottle of wine just for the sake of it. "I thought this war between the both of you will end in an hour or two. Guess I was wrong." 

Avery and I carpooled with Hunt, since our house routes made more sense. Jackson's house is the nearest to the restaurant, then mine, and finally Hunt. Of course, being a brat Hunt is he turned on a classic song that Avery and I know nothing about. 

"I still can't understand why you listen to this crap." Avery sighed on the backseat. 

"Ditto." I replied

"Don't insult something you can't understand, Jackson." Hunt said in a more stuck up manner. 

We were complaining all the way to Avery's place. And when Hunt and I are alone, I continued telling him what I wanted to before his pager ruined the moment. "Do you know that Alex has a brother? Like a living, breathing brother who works in Ventura?"

"Jay Karev, right?" He said. See? He knows everything about everyone. "Yeah sure. I haven't met the guy though.

"Well I have and he looks cute. He's well mannered, nice, outgoing, and everything Alex is not." I said proudly.

"Huh, and?"

"I think they have some issues, Alex and Jay. Not sure what but Jay wouldn't even step to Seattle Grace." I kept on prying, until Owen understood my message. 

"You want me to dig?"

"Yes Hunt. Get your shovel and dig." 

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