// VIII. //

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Everyday, we grow. Some growth, like hair and height could be seen by the naked eyes. However, there's also growth so deep inside of us that other people couldn't see, except for ourselves. Like my growth as a surgeon.

It is almost everyday that the patients here call me the best of general surgeon. They talked and talked about how good I am. However, I have this feeling at the pit of my stomach that I could be so much better than this. I could do so much better than Grey Sloan Memorial. This hospital has been, and still is my life. But how am I supposed to grow if I stay in my comfort zone?

"I'm resigning." I told Owen the next day. "I mean, I don't know. Should I resign?"

He watched me with bulging eyes, as if I'm that one person who wouldn't move out from here no matter what happens. Once upon a time, that's what I thought also. But that is a lifetime ago. A tale ago. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?"

"Is this because of Derek?"

"Partly. But this is Ventura! When else would I get an offer like this?" That's when I realized I slipped. I mentally slapped my forehead, and my brain worked like a factory machine, trying to save myself from this situation.

Thank God Edwards came jolting in the conversation; "Dr. Grey do you remember Elisa?"

With scrunching eyebrows, I said; "Elisa? I don't...I don't know. Why?"

"She's the girl who got beat up by her own sister about a year ago. Remember?" Of course, Elisa Tan. Last year, she walked up the hospital half conscious. Her face was beaten to the pulp, and her bones were cracked in abnormal places. It was a mess. "She came back. This time with a bullet."

If Elisa had came half an hour later than she did, I don't think her life could be saved. But we did save her again. Or was she the one holding on, I'm not sure. When we brought her back to one of the room, I proceeded to call the police.

"Which one is Dr.Grey?" I heard a women's voice yelling to one of the nurses. She had similar bluish-green eyes to Elisa, and a heart-shaped face. The difference is her hair is in a big, mad curl. Mia the new nurse, pointed directly at me just as the police answered.

"You!" She walked in big steps. Her eyes burning in fury, and instability. "My sister doesn't need your help. Let her go. I'll take her home."

"After putting a bullet through her? No you won't. I'm calling the-" What I felt the next second is my head hitting the tiles and my constricting trachea. Her heavy built was pinning mine, and I was stuck to my place.

"Elisa is crazy!"

I heard Alex's scream. It was so profound that I regained my consciousness. His words were jumbled between cursing the security guards, and asking me how I felt. But I was distracted with the scene unfolding before my eyes. How Erica was holding a gun, pointed directly at Alex's head. "Erica, right?" I said voice still hoarse. God, it hurts to talk.

"Don't make me ask you twice, Dr.Grey."

"Is this how you like to solve your problems? By putting bullets through everyone?"

"You don't know anything about me." The gun was pressed further to Alex's skull. I think my breakfast is going to make its way to my mouth again. "Just let that psycho go."

"That psycho is your sister." Everyone near us was evacuated. Thankfully it didn't provoke Erica, or else things would be worse than it is now. I could see that Erica softened at the word sister, but then it shifted just as quick to rage.

I wondered what had gotten her to be the way she is. Was it a boy? Money? "She killed our parents. Please just let her go. I'll deal with her."

I heard sirens blasting the whole building. Man in uniforms started entering the hospital, and took Erica with them. One of them manhandled her and pushed her against the table, "Hey. I think she needs help." Honestly, I think there's something wrong with Erica's mental stability. "Assign her to the psychiatry first, would you?"


"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Webber approached me as I'm about to enter the elevator. He looked genuinely concerned, like he always do.

"Yeah. Do you have a night shift?" I cocked an eyebrow at his coffee. "You really need to get some rest."

Webber didn't acknowledge any of my word and threw a bunch of questions instead. "So, I heard rumors." Look, Webber might be in his late 50s. But if there's anyone in this hospital whose ears are sharp and always ready to digest gossips, its his. "Are you...How? I mean, Ventura? Do you know someone there?"

Ding. The door opened to Amelia and Alex.

"I don't. Well, we talked but... we met by accident the other day.

Ding. Owen entered and watched the four of us. Yay, party.

"Look, whatever choice you make...I'll support you." I face palmed myself because as soon as Webber said that, Owen knew right away what it's about.

"Are we still talking about Ventura? I thought you were kidding." I stepped on his foot, and begged him to shut up. Amelia whose back was facing me turned around. Alex's shoulder got tense and I've never wanted to hurt Owen as bad as I did.

To add to my misery, Webber replied: "They called. How rude, right? They want to steal your doctor, and yet still have the bravery to ring you." He shook his head.

Ding. This is my floor. I ran as fast as I could. Sadly, since I have a poor fitness level, Alex caught on me. "What are they talking about? Ventura?"

The moon has illuminated the sky when I went for the hospital exit. "Don't take the offer, Mer." I was startled by his words. "I am your friend and though I wish you nothing but the best, please, don't take the offer."

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