Chapter One

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Hey everyone! Welcome to my new book, "Linstead AU: The Game of Love". This is a partnership with a good friend of mine! We hope you all enjoy! Drop a review please :))

Eight thirty.

It had been a long week for her. Three weeks before Christmas break, and her class of second graders were ecstatic. She could barely get them to focus. Her friends nagged her to go out for a drink at the bar. She gave in.

He had been bored. The season was another five months away, and Spring Training was another two. His teammates dragged him out to the bar. He would have been content at home reading a book.

"Hey, I'm going to go get another drink." Erin smiled at her friends. They waved, leaning on men drunker than them. Erin shook her head walking up to the bar. She needed a break. She didn't like drinking too often in public.

Her father was Hank Voight, the Sergeant of NYPD'S finest unit. She knew the risks of getting drunk at a bar without a man by her side. She knew Sergeant Benson and the rest of the SVU unit. She practically grew up with them.

She took a seat at the bar, nursing her red wine. The bar was fairly quiet for a Friday night. But everyone was probably doing their Christmas shopping. With their loved ones.

She felt a presence suddenly and turned her head. "Is this seat taken?" He asked in a seductive voice.

She was astonished. His face was chiseled flawlessly. His dark hair, crystal blue eyes, the most delicate looking lips, and a perfect stubble. "No." She finally managed to choke out.

He grinned, motioning to the bartender. "What are you having?"

"A Cabernet."

Jay nodded, pointing to her drink. "Will you freshen the lady's drink please?" The bartender nodded, walking away.

"Thanks." She blushes deeply.

"Of course." He smiled. "I'm Jay. And you are,"

"Erin." Her breathe hitched. She hadn't even known this man for five minutes and he was already having a huge effect on her.

"That's a beautiful name." He complimented her, his crystal blue eyes darkening. He drank in her sight. The blouse and slacks she wore made her look like a model. And her eyes. He was falling.

"Thanks." Her head was telling her to leave, That's he's playing her, but her gut said otherwise. She was drawn to him.

He sipped on his beer, searching her eyes. He saw a hint of hesitation. He assumed someone had hurt her before emotionally. He had to be a gentleman and do things right. "Care to dance?"

She sat down her drink, nodding reluctantly. "Sure." She noticed her hand was shaking.

He led her onto the dance floor. He glanced over to his two friends who were watching closely. Jay placed his hands on her hips, looking at her for confirmation.

She nodded and stepped into his embrace, melting into it.

Take my heart to your hand,
You think you can't but I know you can
Swallow it whole like it's a pill
Let it do the work you know it will do.

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