Chapter Seven

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Soft snow and grey clouds were awaiting Erin when her hazel orbs fluttered open from her slumber. New York City was expecting three to four inches of snow throughout the day, but Erin didn't mind at all. She can remember her and Justin going sledding with their friends when they were sixteen and seventeen. She always loved it.

She turned over to face the French doors, watching the snow dance from the sky. Jay's arms felt her absence and instinctively wrapping them back around her petite waist. Erin's lips rolled into a smile, and she sighed into his embrace, never wanting to leave. She did not want to go back to teaching tomorrow. She loved being able to stay home with Jay and write. Now, she just had to get her father on board with the idea.

The family dinner at Al and Meredith's was nice, and she feels it went well, and Hank softened up to Jay a little more than prior to the dinner. She still needed to discuss her job with Jay and Hank, but, she couldn't find the right time.

Erin felt Jay's arms squeeze her waist, alerting her he was waking up. "Good morning," His voice was coated with grogginess as he pressed his lips against her shoulder. "How did you sleep?"

She contentedly sighed and flipped back over to face him. She studied his features, his forehead slightly chiseled, his eyes still telling her he wasn't fully awake, and how his chiseled face made his stubble look ten times better, more attractive. "I slept great, how about you?"

Jay smiled as Erin laid her head down on his chest, and he ran his hand up and down her back. He was looking out into the grey skies, snow falling from the clouds. "You were here, so I slept perfect."

Erin smiled against his chest. "It's always better when I'm with you," She looked up to meet the loving eyes of her boyfriend. She didn't want to think that in less than a month he'd be over a thousand miles away from her. But, Erin pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. "What do we have to do today?"

"I need to run to the stadium to grab a few things and sign a few papers. Then we can do whatever you want for the rest of the day." He replied, kissing the top of her head, his nostrils inhaling the soft smell of her shampoo.

"That'll be nice," She sat up. "When do we need to be there?" Erin slipped out of his warm embrace and strutted over to the bathroom door, lingering on the doorframe awaiting an answer.

"One," Jay glanced over at the alarm clock and ran his hand over his face. "So in two hours." He walked over to Erin and kissed her temple. "I'm going to go make coffee while you take a shower."

Erin nodded and watched him walk out of the room, and she closed the door behind her to the bathroom. She shedded her clothes and stepped into the shower, allowing the water to cover her. She couldn't help but allow her thoughts to drift back to what she had pushed back earlier. She didn't want to think about it. Think about how Jay was going to be living in Florida for almost a month. She couldn't. Since they had gotten together almost two months ago, they had never been apart for more than a few nights.

But the thought of being apart for weeks on end? Scared the hell out of her. Erin had finally found someone she trusts and loves. She finally found someone who felt the same way. Someone who wanted her as much as she wanted them.

"Erin, I brought up our coffee," She turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her slender frame, stepping out of it and onto the mat. She kissed Jay between the shoulder blades and stepped besides him allowing the warm liquid slide down his throat. "You okay?"

Erin shook her head as she started applying her face with primer. "Yeah, of course," She lied. Erin didn't want to tell Jay how worried she was about him leaving. She never was this clingy to someone, but she knew everything was different with Jay. It was how it was suppose to be.

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