Chapter Three

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"Jay, I don't know about this." Erin looked up to the house. Correction, mansion.

Here they were at Antonio and Sylvie Dawson's house. The team was having a Christmas dinner since tomorrow was Christmas Eve.

"Er, you'll be fine. I promise. After supper, if you want to leave, we can. Everyone is dying to meet you." Jay didn't know what else to do. He knew Erin was a laid back girl, and hated dressing up.

"Fine." She muttered. Jay walked over to the passenger door and escorted Erin to the front door, intertwining their hands.

The wooden door opened and a young woman, who didn't look a day over thirty, answered it. "Jay! Hi!" She enveloped him into a hug. "And you must be Erin! Nice to meet you. I'm Sylvie, Antonio's wife." She also enveloped Erin into a hug.

"Nice to meet you too." Erin smiled. Sylvie motioned for them to come inside and she closed the door behind them.

"Just kick your shoes off and come on in." She led them into the kitchen. There were vacation pictures in the hallway. Jay was even in a few of them.

"Uncle Jay!" Two kids came scattering through the kitchen, wrapping their arms around Jay.

Jay happily scooped them both up. "Hey guys!" He glanced over to Erin. "I'd like for you to meet my girlfriend, Erin."

The two kids stopped moving, looking at Erin. "Hi."

"Hi guys." Erin waved. The kids smiled and Sylvie interrupted them.

"The girl is Emma, and the little guy is Hudson." She pointed to the two kids who were wrapped around Jay. "Em is nine and Huds is eight."

Jay let the two kids down and they walked over to the fridge in search of food. "Jay!" Antonio smiled, a few guys following behind. "Good to see you, buddy."

Antonio glanced over Jay's shoulder and saw Erin. "You must be Erin. Antonio Dawson." He held out his hand. "Welcome to the family."

Erin thought her heart was going to stop. She was in the same house with professional baseball players. "Nice to meet you."

Antonio laughed, looking at Jay. "How do you put up with him?"

Erin shrugged. "He's pretty easy on the eyes."

The four erupted into laughter. "Antonio, why don't you and Jay go with the rest of the guys, and Erin and I can make some food." Sylvie smiled encouragingly.

"Sounds good. Jay, let's go." They disappeared down the stairs.

"So Erin, what do you want to drink?"

"Water will be good." She smiled, taking a seater the bar.

Sylvie nodded, handing Erin a glass of water and taking a seat next to her. "So, how do you like Jay?"

"He's great." She grinned. "This is definitely a change in surroundings though."

"It's overwhelming, I know. When I first met Antonio, I'd never thought it'd work out. He was in the minors and I was a math teacher. But sure enough, here we are and I couldn't be happier." She explained.

Erin sighed. "It's scary. I'm just a laid back type gal and a teacher, but my friends dragged me out to the bar and I went home with him. And here we are now."

"It's okay, Erin. You're overwhelmed. And it's good you're laid back. Jay and I went to high school together and he was very quiet when he wasn't on the field. Now, I'm just warning you, some of the ladies in the other room are stubborn, but they'll warm up to you eventually." Sylvie reassured.

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