Chapter Four

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"Jay, calm down! It's just my dad!" Erin reassured him, rubbing his back.

"That feels so good, Er." He moaned as she hit the sore spot on his back that was still recovering from October when AJ Barnes intentionally hit Jay with a fastball going ninety eight miles an hour. "But seriously, it's your dad."

"What's your point?" Erin asked, walking to stand in front of Jay.

"Erin, I'm serious about us." He sighed, running his hand down his face.

Erin could see the fear in his blue eyes. She had only known him for a little under a month, but she could read him like an open book. "Babe, I'm serious too. I see potential. We're going fast, but I don't mind. And I love my dad, he knows that." She took a seat next to him and took his hand in hers. "But he also knows I am a strong, independent woman. He knows I'll fight for what I want. And as serious as I am about you," She looked up and smiled. "I'm going to do all the fighting I can."

Before Jay had the chance to reply, a knock on his door broke him and Erin apart. "I'll get it." He smiled nervously. Jay walked down the hall to the front door and opened it. "Mr. Voight. Jay Halstead. Pleasure to meet you." Jay held out his hand.

Hank nodded and shook it. "Nice to meet you too." He stepped inside and took his coat and shoes off, putting it on the coat rack.

Jay motioned him to follow him through the house. "What do you drink?"

Hank looked around at all the photos on the wall of Jay and his teammates. Hank Voight was a Sergeant for NYPD's finest unit, Intelligence, and people were always scared of him. But, he couldn't deny the nervous feeling shooting through his veins. He was in Jay Halstead's house. "Beer."

"Bud light?" Jay asked.


Jay and Hank walked into the kitchen where Erin was sitting at the bar and sipping on a glass of beer herself. "Hey dad." She got up and embraced him in a hug.

"Hey kid." He smiled. "How have you been?" He asked, silently thanking Jay for the beer.

"I've been great. We're still on winter break for a week, so I think Jay and I are going to just hang out here, or my place." She smiled, looking over her shoulder to Jay. She could see his muscles flex underneath his T-shirt as he stirred the spaghetti.

"That's great kid." Hank replied, taking a sip of his Bud light.

Jay came back and took a seat next to Erin, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss against the side of her head. He studied her features, starting at her feet, covered in striped fuzzy socks, going up her mile long legs covered in joggers, to her- his loose t-shirt that fell to her thighs, and up to her face. The sculpture of her face, her defined cheek bones, to the lips he has kissed in support and love, to her eyes. Her hazel orbits. Jay loved her eyes. He loved how they would change when she reacted, when they'd get bigger when he surprised her or made her laugh. He loved every part of her and he couldn't relay it enough.

"So," Erin giggled lightly. She knew Jay was skimming over her body. She could feel his gaze a mile away. "Dad, how is the force?" She asked.

Hank looked at Erin, then to Jay, and back to Erin. There was definite attraction between the two and he couldn't help but stiffen. The last time he saw her like that was with Luke. And Luke ended up in prison. "It's doing great. Al was wondering if we could come over to his and Meredith's house for dinner. Lexi just got accepted to the Chicago campus of Illinois State." He looked over at Halstead. "He said you could bring Jay if you wanted. Olivia is coming."

Erin's eyes lit up. "You are bringing Olivia?"

"Erin," Hank warned. "She is just a friend. You know that."

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