Chapter Eight

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Fear. Fear of losing someone you love. The fear of that one person who is always suppose to be there for you suddenly has you questioning the whole relationship in its entirety.

That's what Erin Lindsay was feeling. It was a Wednesday. Four long days, words barely exchanged between the two adults. After sleeping in the guest room Sunday night, she moved back into their room Monday. He said one word, goodnight. Not, I love you, or, I'm sorry. Jay said none of that. Erin would lay facing out the window watching the night stars or the sight of snow falling onto the deck.

Their two bodies didn't even touch. They slept on separate sides of the bed as if the other one was poison. Jay's arms didn't even slip around her once. He didn't want to. Correction, he did, but, he couldn't come to it. He has never liked Stephen, and now he was using Erin to get under his skin. And it was working. Jay couldn't get the picture of Stephen touching Erin's knee, or hearing her giggle. He couldn't get the nightmare he had out of his bed as he walked in on them two. That made him want to wrap his hands around her even more, to protect her, but he couldn't.

She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck, and lay her head on his chest and kiss him, telling him it was nothing and never would be. She only had eyes for him. But, he didn't seem to get that. At all.

"Erin, what's wrong? You haven't been your normal self," Layla took a seat on one of the student desks next to Erin's. Erin looked up and Layla took a deep breathe. "What happened with Jay?"

Erin shook her head. She didn't want to talk about this. She had bottled it in for four days. "It's nothing."

"Obviously it's something. Tell me!" She pleaded. She hadn't seen Erin this upset since she started dating Jay.

"We went to the clubhouse, and met Stephen," She paused. "And we were just talking and laughing. Then I guess he put his hand on my knee and Jay saw." She looked at Layla.

"Oh god." Layla face palmed. "This is not good."

"And then he almost punched Stephen and when we got in the car he proceeded to tell me how it looked like Stephen was going to rip off my clothes and fuck me on the couch." Erin was almost in tears at this point. She finally told someone, and now she could see how bad it looked.

"Erin," Layla walked over to her desk and enveloped her best friend in a hug. "It's okay. It didn't mean anything. You told him that, right?"

"Of course! How couldn't I? I love him." She cried into her shoulder. "And tomorrow is the convention with my family. You're coming still?"

Layla rested her hand on Erin's back. "Of course. Are you guys on talking terms?"

Erin pulled back and plopped down into her chair. "No. We sleep in the same bed, but no. He doesn't talk to me. He doesn't even touch my body when we are sleeping. I don't know what to do." She missed him. She missed his voice, his laugh, and his touch. Or the look of love in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Er. I don't know what to tell you. I've never had this problem," She looked over at Erin who was dabbing her eyes. "Maybe the conference will lighten him all up. A time with you and your family. And me and Drew, of course."

"Yeah, maybe," She looked over at her best friend. What would she do without her? Honestly? "Well, I need to go give their passes to everyone. I gave you yours. I'll see you guys at 9 a.m. at the stadium."

"Love you, sister." Layla smiled as she left Erin to be back to her thoughts.


Erin sat in her car, waiting for her guests to all arrive. She smiled sadly remembering Jay took his truck and didn't say a word to her. She missed him. He didn't even speak to her last night when she got home. They sat on opposite ends of the couch and didn't speak. She felt empty.

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