Chapter Nine

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Hey lovelies! I apologize so much for going off the radar. My assignment was wrapped up, and many other things have gone on. But I'm back for regular updates/ weekly updates for BOTH of my stories! Let me know what y'all think!

"Let's go, man," Jay turned over to see Antonio shaking his shoulder. Maybe sharing a condo with him wasn't the best idea.

He sat up, looking out the French doors, the sun not even all the way down yet. It had been two weeks at spring training in Florida, and two weeks since he last saw Erin. They had successfully moved her into their house, and she wasn't scheduled to come up until next week. He missed his girl. So much.

Jay thought rooming with Antonio would've gotten his mind off of it, but nope. It made it worse. As usual, there were two condo types- a two bedroom one, or a six bedroom one in the complex the team rented out each year. They decided on the six bedroom one. Antonio's whole family was staying with them, and Jay decided to take one of the two extra spare rooms and bunk with the Dawson clan.

Seeing Antonio with Sylvie and the kids daily, made him miss her even more. Yes, they had their FaceTime calls, and text messages, but he still missed his girl. They had just gotten over a huge fight about Stephen, and relaxed for a week then it was off to Spring Training. He missed waking up next to her, he missed her vanilla scent, he missed kissing her, and missed loving her.

"Go where?" Jay replied, turning back onto his side and closing his eyes again.

"To dinner, dumbass. Remember some of the team is going to The Replay?" Antonio crossed his arms, staring down his best friend. He knew Jay was upset about Erin not being able to make it, but still. He should get out and have some fun.

"I'm not going. I'm tired and need to rest. Erin said she'd call me tonight." He really missed her. Especially spending their first Valentines Day apart.

"Jay, you can talk to her while we're at the bar. But, she wouldn't want you being upset and not having fun and being happy. I promise you that." Antonio pleaded, opening Jay's closet up and throwing a button down shirt next to him on the bed.

He groaned and dig his head into the pillow. "I want to be back by ten, Antonio. No later." Was he really about to go do this?

Antonio shook his head. "Old man."

"I am not an old man! Im barely thirty! I just don't like getting out. The younger ones are wild, and I rather stay here and read a book." Jay elaborated. He ya never been the one to go out to the bars with his teammates. He preferred to stay home and read, or learn how to cook a new meal. Now, he also had a girl he loved so much. He rather stay home and FaceTime with her all night. It was nicer. When he wasn't near Erin, he was worried. Worried someone would hurt her.

"Just get dressed. We leave in ten." Antonio shut the door.

He missed his girl. He never thought he'd be this attached to a girl he only knew for three months. He already knew he loved her. He knew this girl was his future wife. The mother of his future children. His gut and heart told him.

Jay got up from the bed and put on the evening's clothes. He glanced at his bedside table and couldn't help but smile. Before he left, Erin gave him a photo frame with her favorite picture on it. They took it at the convention weeks ago, after they made up. Jay had put it on his nightstand so she'd always be with him.


"Erin, what's wrong?" Layla sat down next to her during lunch as always. Erin looked up and Layla knew. "Er, he's been gone two weeks."

"Two weeks too long. I don't even see him for another two. That's the first of March. And we spent our first Valentines Day apart." She picked through her salad she was snacking on.

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