Chapter Twelve

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Jay unpacked the last of his suitcases, and put them away, in the back of the hallway closet that held all of his and Erin's travel luggage. He sighed, laying down and letting his eyes flutter shut as he felt his bed for the first time in two months.

His flight had landed a little under two hours ago, and Erin had already left for work. It was only ten in the morning, but felt like it was midnight. Her lunch was in an hour, and he planned on surprising his girl and bringing her lunch. He hadn't seen her in two weeks, and as soon as he opened the door and her aroma filled his nostrils when his head hit the pillows, he was home. It felt like heaven.

It was best with New York traffic, to head out now. After lunch he planned to unpack his belongings from Spring Training. The team had staff members who did do that, but he always loved being at the stadium. It gave him his life, gave him his fans, and gave him Erin. He knows he would have met her either way, but his career led him to his friends, who led him to the bar, who led him to meeting her.

He pulled into the parking lot of the school with take out in hand, and smiled as he saw kids lining up to go inside. That meant her lunch was just about to start. Jay checked into security, gaining a visitor's pass and giving the two security guards, whom he recognized one was a season pass holder, a picture and autograph. The elementary school Erin taught at was not a normal public one. This was the school closest to Jay, and that meant it was tightly secured due to the fact the majority of the children's parents worked for the city and state, and also the fact a school shooting had attempted to take place two years ago.

He found the room number, 310, along with a picture titled, Ms. Lindsay, and a picture of Erin on the wall to notify parents and students who's room they were about to enter. Just as he raised his hand to knock against the wooden door, the booming voice tore through his ears. "Jay! How have you been?" He smiled and gave Layla a hug. The two had grown closer over Spring Training. They were like siblings, and always talked. Especially over Spring Break, she would give him updates on how Erin was surviving without him.

"Wonderful, now that I'm back here and can see my girl everyday," He grinned, surveying her state, noticing the small bump that was slowly making its appearance. "How are you? How's the little one doing?" He nodded towards her abdomen where her hand was currently resting upon.

Her eyes brightened at the mention of her first. She smiled down at her stomach before looking at Jay again. "Great. No morning sickness yet. But I'm determined it'll happen," She laughed softly. "But, how are you and Erin?" The day Erin got back from the trip, she refused to talk to Layla about it, which ultimately meant something had to be wrong.

"We're good," Jay contemplated whether or not he should tell her about Allie. "There was only one problem. My ex girlfriend, Allie, she showed up and somehow managed to get me in a room and tried to kiss me. I realized what was happening and dashed." He stopped himself there, knowing he should wait to see where the conversation was going to go.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head, "Wait... as in the girlfriend, mysterious blonde, that disappeared this time last year from the face of social media? She's back? Does Erin know? How did you almost kiss her?" Her words came out as a machine gun, firing one right after another.

"Keep it down!" He hushed, pacing back and forth. "I don't know how it all happened. I guess I was so stunned to see her I was completely dumbfounded. And no, because nothing did and nothing will happen." He felt as if he betrayed her, but at the same time, nothing happened.

"Jay, listen, I don't know the extent of this old relationship, but I'd tell her sooner or later," Layla warned, knowing Erin had trust issues, and could easily see this as a sign of loss. And she wouldn't have that. "But, I'm not going to keep you waiting from seeing your girl, so I'm going to go feed me and the lil one. We'll see you tomorrow night for dinner, Jay." She nodded firmly before disappearing down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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