Chapter Ten

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He frantically looked around, searching for her. The crowds of people traveling on a Monday morning in Tampa was insane, but not surprising.

He was sporting cargo shorts and a T-shirt, a hat concealing his face, and some birkenstocks. It'd been four weeks since he'd seen her. It'd been too long. Far too long. He missed her touch and laugh, and he would finally have her for a week.


He heard his name and turned around to look, his arms open. He saw her dashing towards him, her hair flowing behind her as she embraced him into a much needed hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and immediately their lips were hooked together. They explored each other's caverns, relearning the touch of each other that had been gone for a month.

He didn't know how long they were there, but finally they both pulled apart to consume air, their arms still wrapped in one another. "Baby." Jay smiled, breathing heavily, cupping her face in his hands before kissing her deeply again, this one much different than the first. It was slow and full of love. The want and need was all gone, just the two of them now. "I missed you so much."

She rested her hand on his chest, catching her breathe. "I missed you more." Erin smiled, linking their two hands together. She missed this feeling. The feeling of feeling whole. She missed him so much these past four weeks, she couldn't be happier. It was lonely at home, but she wouldn't admit that. Two more months and she could be with him forever. June couldn't get here faster. "How is the Dawson clan?"

"They're great. They miss you. A lot." Jay smiled. He missed her more than any of them. "But I missed you more." He picked up her suitcase, leading her to the awaiting car.

Erin's skin flower as the sun hit her, and she couldn't do anything but pull him in for another kiss. They rememorized each other's taste, after being absent for a month. Jay dropped the handle of the suitcase in front of the car as his hands wandered to her hips, squeezing them lightly.

She finally pulled back, panting for oxygen. She smiled at him once more, pecking his cheek as she climbed into the passenger seat of his truck. Jay followed behind, closing the door before grazing her cheek with his hand. Erin's eyes fluttered close at his touch.

My god, they were acting like horny teenagers.

"Jay, can we go home?" She whispered as his hand trailed down her body. "Please?" She needed him. She needed him like a drug. She longed for his touch.

He smiled at her plea. As much as he wanted her, he wanted to slowly torcher her. "I suppose. It's only a five minute drive. And, I know nobody will be there. They all went to the zoo on the day off." He smirked, starting the engine. He and Antonio both knew Erin was coming in today. He and Sylvie once had been in the same position- long distance.

Jay pulled onto the highway, and turned up the radio, listening to other Spring Training games. He figured to start working her up now. He slid his hand down to her jean covered center, pressing against it. Her leg jumped up as Erin moaned at his touch as he began to rub circles against her. Her hands clenched the sides of the seat as she panted, clearly trying to regain control.

But, Jay would not allow that. One thing they both had noticed as their relationship was developing more was Jay's confidence. It seemed to rise, and he seemed to go out of his normal zone to spice up their relationship. For instance, he had never had phone sex before he met Erin. But damn, did that change quickly.

Jay pulled into the garage of the condo, retrieving Erin's suitcase from the back of the car, and closing the door to the house behind him. He rolled her suitcase to their bedroom for the next week.

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