Chapter Two

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Thank you all for the feedback! We both appreciate it tremendously! I will start posting new chapters on Sundays. Enjoy this next chapter!

Erin sat at her desk, grading the final spelling test of the quarter. Only one more week. The kids were gone for another hour, lunch just beginning.

A knock at her classroom door stranded her from her intense grading session. She walked over to the door, expecting it to be Layla, the second grade teacher next door. Layla and Erin were close, as her father being Munch from SVU.

"Layla." Erin looked up, taking a step back. "Jay?"

"I have a delivery for Erin Lindsay." He smiled, holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a Panera to go bag in the other.

She rolled her eyes, smiling. "Come on in." She blushed, closing her classroom door behind him. He sat her roses down on her desk and sat the Panera Bread down on one of the hexagon tables.

He walked up to her and his hand caressed her cheek. He bent down and kissed her, Erin sighing into the kiss. "Hi baby." He kissed her temple and sat down across from Erin, passing out food.

"Hi." She smiled, looking at him. He was wearing a Yankees sweatshirt with grey sweats. "I hope you like salad." He gave her a salad and chicken noodle soup.

"I do." She passed him a fork and spoon. "What'd you get?"

"Same thing as you." He took a bite of salad. "So."

"So." Erin  repeated.

"What are we? I mean, was it a one night stand, or what? You know I'm not that guy." Jay looked her in the eyes, trying to read her. He could read pitchers well. He had a .379 batting average last season.

Her cheeks burned. She didn't know. Did she really want to take a chance? "I don't know. What do you want to be?"

Jay ran his hand down his face. Why was she so complicated and reluctant? "Listen Erin, I want to give us a shot. I feel something, and I say go for it."

Erin continued eating her food. "I, uh." She finished chewing. "But what about baseball? You'll be gone so much. Spring Training starts in a few months, and that's in Florida."

"Baseball is my job, Er. You're my future. Baseball can come and go, but you can't. I'll fly you out to Florida even, but you need to know baseball won't come first." Jay couldn't stress that enough. It'd never come before her.

"Then lets give it a shot."

His eyes lit up. "Really? You mean it?"

She laughed, dipping her bread in her soup. "Yes Jay, I mean it."

Jay reached across the table and held her hand.  "I won't disappoint you. I'm going to go to the ends of the earth to make you happy."

Erin smiled, both of their heads turning to the sound of the door.

"Hey, Erin did you" Layla stopped in her tracks. "What is this? Why is a, why is the Yankees shortstop in your room?"

Jay let go of her hand and stood up to shake Layla's. "Jay"

"Halstead, yeah I know." She looked pass him to Erin. "Why is he here?" Erin grinned. Layla's eyes widened. "Wait! This is who you went home with from the bar?" She looked at Jay who was grinning.

"Guilty as charge." He smiled. Erin had walked next to him and grabbed his hand.

"Me and you." She looked at Erin. "Grading date at Panera after school. We have to talk." She grinned. "I'll see you around, Halstead." She waved, leaving the couple to their privacy.

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