Chapter Eleven

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Hey friends! Thank you for all the reviews on the last chapter! I promise, no more waiting! I had some huge gigs I had to do, and I'm still doing them. But yes, I'm back for weekly updates!

If any of you have any good fanfics to read, please let me know, I need some new ones! And if you have any suggestions or ideas for my current books or potential future books, please, feel free to bring your ideas to the table.

And thank you all for the reviews! The more I get, it motivates me to write faster to ensure of a weekly update!

Hope everyone had a great Easter last weekend!

"Erin," He pulled her into his embrace, feeling the warmth of her skin against his. "You're looking amazing." She really was. The way her jean shorts defined her curves were unbelievable, and her shirt hugged her chest just right.

Erin stepped back from the hug she was just embraced in. She smiled nervously, "Thank you." She really wanted to see Jay right now, and not Stephen.

"What can I say? You're breathtakingly beautiful." Stephen smiled genuinely, but Erin saw right through the innocence of his smile. There was nothing innocent about him. "How have you been?"

"Good." She replied short handedly, wanting this encounter to be over already. She glanced around her, attempting to recognize any faces to get her out of this situation, but failed.

"How's everything with Jay and you? He hasn't really talked to me lately. I think he's mad at me." Stephen shrugged his shoulders, looking into her brown eyes. They were so precious. He wanted nothing more than to feel her lips at the moment.

Erin narrowed her eyes, knowing he knew why Jay didn't like him. "He doesn't like you because you tried to have your way with me. And it's going great, thanks for asking." She rolled her eyes, preparing to walk around him to find Jay, or at least a familiar face. She took a step to the left, Stephen following her lead, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Can you get out of my way." Erin started to feel anxious, and wanted nothing more than someone to come into the vacant hallway.

"Erin, just stop," Stephen rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Let's go talk somewhere. Let's have dinner or something, I think-"

"Stephen, back the hell away from her," Erin felt a wave of relief cover her body as she recognized the booming voice. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The voice got closer, and Antonio's hands were pulling his body away from Erin's. "We've been over this. Don't make me confront Mike. It won't end well for you." Antonio let go of Stephen, turning to Erin and walking her down the hallway, towards the food area. "Are you okay?"

She nodded hurriedly, smiling at the man who had stepped up as a brother to her. "Yeah, yeah. He just won't leave me and Jay alone." She walked with him towards a door, and Antonio closed it behind them as tables of food were displayed.

"This is the food court for players and their families. You need to wear this," He grabbed the pass from her pocket, looping it around her chest. "It'll get you anywhere you need to go. A lot of us know you, but our Spring Training staff don't. With this pass, they'll know you're a family member."

"Thanks," She grinned, grabbing a plate and filling it with fruit. "How did you find me?"

"Sylvie sent me a text and said you had been gone longer then you should have. And Stephen went to go get food, and I figured I better fix it myself before your boyfriend finds out." Antonio smiled, grabbing an apple himself before following Erin back out the door. "What's going on with you two? Jay said you had to talk to Sylvie. He said you said everything's fine, but he can see through you."

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