Chapter Five

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Jay sat against the pillows on his bed, Erin silently sitting against him. "I'm ready." She sighed, looking up to Jay.

Jay nodded. "Just tell me what you want to. I don't want to push the boundaries." He wanted her to open up to him, not close herself off.

"I'm going to tell you everything." She said through a shaky voice. "If we want this to work as much as I want it to, I can't keep things from you." She needed to listen to her dad.

"Erin, whatever you are most comfortable with." Jay caressed her arm.

Erin brushed off the comment, ignoring it, and began telling him. "Long story short- I was twenty three. Sophomore year in college. I met him at a world history class. He was majoring in lit. He offered to buy me dinner and I went. After a year, we moved in. He started drinking when he got a job elsewhere. He started verbally abusing me. I always pushed it off. Then one night I forgot to get him beer at the store. He got mad and started hitting me. It became more and more regular. I almost ran, but didn't." She could feel Jay's arm around her tighten, his body going stiff. "One day, he really got mad. I wouldn't buy him anything. And that's when he burned me against the stove and threw me in the shower. I called Hank that night and I haven't seen him since then. He's in prison now."

Jay was speechless. He was not expecting that. He was not expecting Erin to tell him she almost died when she was with Luke. He didn't want to picture the thought of her screaming against the stove as her face was pressed into the heat. "You're so strong." He whispered into her ear as her breathing fastened. "Erin," he whispered again, moving his hand to her back. "You're so strong. I've never met someone so strong. And just seeing you put a smile on your face every morning, it makes you an incredible women. You've gotten passed it. And this changes nothing. It doesn't make me want to run away. It makes me love you more deeply."

Erin's body stiffened. He didn't directly say I love you but he did say it in a way. "So you don't want to run? You don't want to leave me because I'm pathetic?"

"No, never." He pressed a kiss on her temple. "You're way too important to me." And she was. He never would have thought a night at the bar could turn into so much more.

Erin smiled against his chest, running her free hand up and down his bicep. "Thanks." She sighed. She got Luke out there, but now, she had to tell him what Hank said. She had a lot of respect for Hank. He and his wife took Erin in when she was seven. She didn't like to publicize that. Her mom and dad had both been arrested for distributing and manufacturing crystal meth.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, looking down at his girlfriend.

"There's more things you should know about." She whispered. "First, I'm adopted." She took a shaky breathe. "My parents were drug dealers. One day they got busted for distribution and manufacturing of crystal meth. Hank found me and took me in. Eventually, he and his wife Camille adopted me. She died in a car accident about eight years ago. I have a brother, but like I told you the first night, it is just me and dad. Justin's a Navy Seal, and he is stationed in Hawaii now, I think. We still keep in contact, but it's been a while." Her fingers were now drawing shapes on his chest to keep her occupied and relaxed. "So, I went through high school without a problem. I played volleyball and was on a leadership club. Then college came and here we are now."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Er." This girl he was slowly falling in love with amazed him even more everyday. She was strong, and was still breathtakingly beautiful when she was vulnerable.

"One more thing, Jay." She was dreading telling him this. "My dad thinks we aren't worth it. He doesn't like the idea of me traveling and quitting my job and being a stay at home mom. He thinks my judgement is clouded because of your reputation." She could feel the tears burning the back of her eyes. "But I think you are worth it. I know you are. And my dad, he'll have to come around." She made eye contact with him for the first time since he had sat her down on the bed. "You're much more important than my dad's opinion, Jay. And like I told him, I could easily write a book. I majored in literature in college. So, if it's okay with you, I'd like to quit teaching after this year. I love my students, but I want to live this life with you." And she meant every word she just spoke.

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