Chapter Six

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"I still don't understand why we are here, Jay." Erin glimpsed down the aisle where her boyfriend was, deciding what beverage to bring to tonight's dinner.

Jay watched Erin lean against the empty shopping cart. "Babe, we have to be at Al's at six. Your dad doesn't like me, and I'm meeting four new people tonight, who have a huge impact on your life. I want to make a good impression. And everybody loves food and drinks." He winked. "Now, beer, lime-a-ritas, wine, what?"

Erin rolled her eyes. "Surprise them. They'll drink everything." She watched as he picked up an eight pack of lime- a- ritas and set it in the cart.

"See, now lets go to the appetizers. I was thinking a cheese tray and crackers." Jay was determined to get her father to approve of him. This girl was not just another girl. She was one to stay.

"Jay, this is a casual meal. Literally. Tenderloins and some beer." Erin laughed at her boyfriend's effort to get her father to like him. "They'll be happy just to see you brought beer."

"Fine." Jay shook his head. "Let's go."

"Whoa," Erin stopped the cart. "We came here to get our groceries too." She turned down the aisle of Target and into the herbal tea aisle. "We ran out of herbal tea." She explained, tossing a box raspberry hibiscus into the shopping cart.

"We?" He chuckled. "You mean I did? Because technically, you live at my house."

Erin felt like his remark was a stab in the heart. He could quickly see the hurt in her eyes. He began to talk, she held up her hand. "I don't want to hear it." Erin quickly stepped away from the cart and left the aisle, despite Jay's callings for her to come back.

She walked down the aisles and stopped when she saw the sign for the dressing rooms. She yanked a shirt off the rack and walked into one and shut the door. Erin sat on the bench and threw the shirt onto the floor. She brought her knees up to her chest and dig her head into them.

She should have known this wouldn't have worked out. She knew that. She just didn't want to believe it. She made a simple comment, and he joked about it. Maybe she took it the wrong way. Maybe she didn't. She didn't know.

All she knew is that she is back to square one. She thought her and Jay were in a good place. She knew they were moving fast, but this relationship was different. Different than any other one she had ever had. He talked to her and loved her in a way no man has ever done to her before. She had this feeling in her stomach that she didn't know how to control, or why it was even there in the first place.

She knew she felt strongly about them. Just a few nights ago she told him everything there was to know about Luke. And they professed there love for one another. And Jay took her to Yankees Stadium for one of his press day where she met his agent, Connor Rhodes, and many other people who worked for the organization.

Erin felt like she was safe in his embrace at night. When he was with her she felt secured and loved. Something Luke never gave her. Something no man had ever made her feel. Jay Halstead was different, and lead it to Erin to mess everything there was up. Now she'd have to break the news to her dad, and all her friends and family, that this was indeed a mistake.

She didn't want to think about it. The disappointing looks from her family, friend, and colleagues. She couldn't. Her phone vibrates and she swiped her thumb across the glass.

Erin, you know I was joking. You know I want you with me every night. Move in.

She was taken back by his words. She did hate the nights they were apart, the nights she was at her apartment with her roommate. She loved her roommate, but she loved Jay even more. She wanted to wake up with him and fall asleep with him every morning and night. She knew she wanted to start the day off with him.

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