"What is your biggest fear?"
"Because betrayal only come from someone close to you. It's a sign of losing trust, annoyed, tired of putting up with me, and it's show how much of unworthy I am.
It's also mean that, no matter what'll happen in the future, even if we became close again, it'll never be as close as before. And that I can't trust them like I did before, there'll always be distance between us, and we could never do what we do before.
I can't bring myself to be close to them again, cause the memories still hurt. So bad."
--and thinking about that always make me in the verge of tears.#cheesyline707
Kuroyuki Alice
Sajak Nirmana
PoetrySajak Nirmana; Sebab aku hanya pecundang yang berucap lewat aksara. . Hanyalah kumpulan sajak-sajak tak berarti oleh lamunan yang hadir kala jam mata pelajaran sekolah tengah berlangsung. • [Aku menulis ini--hampir semuanya--untuk dia. Tapi rasa-ras...