[As the sky is so blue and vast/But sometimes not as blue and as vast
As the sky is so full of colour/As sometimes it's only monochrome
As the sky is so clear/As sometimes it's cloudy
As the sky is vibrantly red/As sometimes it's dull black
As the sky is so high/As sometimes it's unseen
As the sky is so there/As also it's never there]
does the system of sky also applied to those things around me?
as the sky is the prove of paradox existence,
are we also just a bunch of something that just never there after all?
are we really exist inside a not so exist world?
or are we really nonexistent in the world full of existence?Am I really exist?
(Does the world existence really exist, tho'?)#cheesyline707
Triste Ellizabeth
Sajak Nirmana
PoetrySajak Nirmana; Sebab aku hanya pecundang yang berucap lewat aksara. . Hanyalah kumpulan sajak-sajak tak berarti oleh lamunan yang hadir kala jam mata pelajaran sekolah tengah berlangsung. • [Aku menulis ini--hampir semuanya--untuk dia. Tapi rasa-ras...