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Chapter 8: Waterfall

I eyed them curiously, "Fur ball?"

Julian's emerald eyes sparkled, "Oh, you know, we howl at the moon and we run in packs."

Seeing that I still don't get what he was trying to say, Grace butted in.

"We're werewolves, duh."

I gaped at him.

"Oh, will you close your mouth already! You just met a bunch of vampires," Grace cringed at the word 'vampire' and I couldn't help wondering why. "So what's so surprising about meeting werewolves?"

I closed my mouth as told and continue staring at them. No wonder they're so tall and hot. Julian smiled down at me and I looked away, hating the way my heart did a tap dance because of a silly little smile.

Grace throws Julian a frustrated look, "You can show her around the house if you want to. I want her off my hands." I glared at her; she was so tall that looking up to her face is really starting to hurt my neck. And what is with her hating me anyway?

Julian shrugged his shoulders, "Sure, I can show her around." I eyed him suspiciously, Julian sounded a little too happy for my taste. Grace rolled her eyes, "Just don't pounce on her, Jul."

"Sure, sure, Race." Yuck, nicknames.

Grace smacked his arm, "Don't call me that." Julian waved his hands at her and she left us in the hallway. Julian was giving me this ear-to-ear smile and I eyed him curiously.

"So, want to tour around the house?"

I folded my arms across my chest and I gave him my most sarcastic smile. "And who am I to refuse such a tempting offer from a handsome wolf?"

Julian chuckled; it was deep and somehow it felt...comforting.

"You can always say no."

I shrugged, "Just show me around, I don't think I want to get lost in this mansion." With so many vampires around, I mentally added.

Julian showed me around the house and I have to admit I was enchanted by the beauty this mansion holds. There was a small flower garden with a fountain in the middle separating the servant quarters and the main quarter. There was even a large green field behind the house and it stretched miles and miles into the forest behind.

"Want to see the waterfall?"

I looked at him, "Waterfall? I don't hear rivers nearby."

"That's because it's quite into the forest."

Uncertainty and doubt must've showed on my face because Julian looked offended and hurt. "I'm not going to eat you like the big bad wolf in Red Riding Hood." Julian silently muttered, he looked like a kicked puppy and I have this strange urge to throw myself at him. I kicked myself, what is wrong with my hormones? He's a freaking werewolf!

I sighed, "I know you won't eat me," the thought of Julian eating me up made my face cringe and Julian looked more offended than ever. He was quick enough to mask it away with a slightly too cheerful look and smiled at me, "But you don't trust me, that's all. It's ok, logically who would trust a werewolf from not gobbling them up?"

He made the word 'gobbling' dripping with so much venom I could lick it right off the word.

"Ok," I was starting to get a little annoyed with him making me feel like the evil one here, "You know what? Just bring me there."

Julian looked at me with an excited look on his face, "Really?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Really."

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