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                            's another chapter that will leave you hanging off the cliffs! And I want to thank so many people again for supporting me! Especially my friends that actually read my story! (laughs)

Chapter 6: Bride

"Face it, Adele," Horatio was standing up now, "It was me who saved your life."

I shook my head. "No, it is not."

"Yes, it is. And now your life is mine to decide."

"No!" I shook my head, covering my ears but still able to hear Horatio's voice echoing in my head, "NO!"

But right in my gut I know Horatio was right no matter how much I try to deny it.

I am no longer free.

But, it didn't take long for me to gather myself together. Mum had brought me up teaching me not to lose my head even in the craziest situation and if she can still see me now, she would have been very disappointed.

Taking deep breaths with my eyes closed, I opened my eyes hoping that this room and the people in it will go away.

But they didn't.

I closed my eyes and did the same thing twice but nothing changed.

I groaned and my mother's voice rang in my head. "Running from a problem isn't going to make them go away. You will have to face them sooner or later, so might as well turn around and give them a surprise!"

Mum was right. Running away isn't going to solve anything. It's not like I can outrun all these vampires, anyway.

"Ok, I understand. I'm yours to decide." I replied in an even tone. So mum was right again, about giving the 'problems' a surprise because all of them including the no-expression-hate-me Dominic looked surprised at my calm reply. "You're not going to force me to turn into a vampire, now, are you?"

"No, I won't force you to become one of us."

I heaved a sigh of relieve, well at least they're not going to kill me.

"Good, 'cause I don't want to. So, what do you have in mind?"

Amused, Maxine let out a throaty laugh. "She really is something. Normal people would've freaked out but well, who am I to say who's normal." I ignored him and focus my gaze on Horatio.

Horatio cleared his throat, "Well, Adele, you see, each and everyone has a destined one in another words are called soul mates, including us vampires. Some vampires found their soul mate almost immediately while some vampires take years to find them and some, never did. But when pressured by certain reasons, a vampire is forced to find a human bride and since you're already here..."

I might be a fool but I'm not that stupid to not be able to figure out where this conversation is heading to.

"Oh way." I muttered shaking my head.

But Horatio nodded his head slowly while his devilish vampire sons gave me a fangy smile and I paled with horror.

"'ll be the bride for one of my sons."

Review and tell me what you think of this chapter! It's getting more interesting I promise you. The more reviews, the faster I write! or type, that is...

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