meeting edwin

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Chapter 1: Meeting Edwin

A knot started to form in my stomach and I knew right in my gut I should turn and leave immediately.

But instead I continued walking up the stairs...

The butler led me into the front door and down the hallway. The long hallway was carpeted with printed patterns of faded grandeur, leaving a border to show off polished floorboards. The walls are painted in a shade of deep red so similar to the color of blood.

Ancient looking portraits hung from the walls and all of the painted looked so young and beautiful. I must've walked past at least a dozen of those portraits before crashing into something hard. I could feel myself falling backwards but was surprised when my head didn't feel the ground.

I could feel someone's arm around my back and I looked up to feel my jaw drop open.

Standing in front of me was an angel.

Who had an annoying smirk on his handsome face.

The guy looked somewhat my age and was really drop-dead gorgeous. He was blonde with hazel brown streaks, sapphire blue eyes and boy, was he tall. Everything he had on was Gothic, either black or blood red, and he still looked so hot. Trust me, he really is good looking.

Except for that smirk he had on.

"I believe you owe me an apology." The blonde said, smirking down at me. His voice felt like silk against my skin. I didn't like the idea of him looking down at me that way so I pushed him away but he didn't move much. Why on earth do I have to be this short?

"I do not owe you anything, mister." I glared up at him, I never like losing and I'm certainly not going to lose to him. Blame my ego. Amusement flashed across his eyes and he chuckled.

"My, won't this be interesting now that you're here." Leaning down closer to my face he gave me a smile that nearly made my heart fall out of my ribcage. He gave a low chuckle and I could feel his surprisingly cold breath against my skin and I shivered not because of fear but cold.

Why is his breath this cold? It's practically 27C outside!

"Sir Edwin, master is waiting for you."

The butler finally appeared and addressed the guy in front of me as Edwin. Hmm, not such a bad name. I kind of like the name Edwin; it sounded like someone who is nice but has a naughty devilish part that you'll find sexy and- - - What the hell am I thinking? He is a freaking jerk!

"Ah, yes. Walter, just bring Adele to meet my father first." Edwin told Walter the butler and gave me the same annoying smirk. "You will enjoy it here."

Somehow the way he said it make the hairs on my back stand.

How did he know my name? Oh yeah, of course he'd know my name. I'm going to bloody live with him from today onwards! Wait, live together? Somehow this thought send butterflies in my stomach.

Walter bowed a little towards Edwin and waved for me to follow him. After passing a few more disturbing portraits, Walter opened up the double large stained dark oak door with a pair of porcelain dogs at each side of the entrance and an evil looking serpent as the door knob.

I could feel a chilly blast of wind greeted me right in the face as the double oak doors opened up to invite me into my new life.

Then the same old feeling of a knot forming in my stomach resurfaced.

Something tells me that I'm going to get more than what I bargained for.

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