bitten and broken

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Chapter 14: Bitten and Broken

I looked at him, my body tensed. Soul mate?

"Yes, little princess. I don't know 'bout that werewolf but I know that when you look at someone and you can't see anything else but that one person, than that person is definitely your soul mate. Julian must've thought he had found his soul mate."

Dominic gave me a fangy smile when I looked at him questioningly.


I stared at Dominic.


Yes, I am. I mean, how would you react if a vampire just told you that your soul mate turns out to be a werewolf? Gee, I am guessing your reaction would be far worst than mine.

But I was even more shocked when Dominic suddenly bit down hard on my neck.

Without further notice!

I screamed as I felt his fangs tore my skin and my blood soaking the pink nightgown. Honestly? It wasn't that painful, the pain only lasted for awhile. After the pain faded off, a weird calming sensation washed through me. My eyes suddenly felt heavier than before and my mind went cloudy. All I could think of is how sleepy I am.

That was before someone or something pulled Dominic off of me.

I heard mass shouts and screams but I couldn't hear them clearly, it was too much of a jumble for a sleepyhead like me to sort it out. All I could think was how annoying those people-oops!-vampires are. All those shouting and screaming and throwing each other across the room is so childish.

I mean, why throw a punch at each other when your practically made of steel? It's like steel punching steel! Punch punch and out come the stars! Hah! How funny I sounded! This shows how unclear my mind is right now.

I lie hopelessly on the carpet floor as my vision blurred. I could see blurry figures throwing themselves at one lone figure, probably trying to tackle him to the floor but stupidly being flung off by the same person they were trying to attack. Why is everyone trying to attack that one person? Did he do something wrong?

Oh, yeah, I think I remember something about someone biting me...

Wait, is his name Dominic? Oh, right, yeah Dominic. And he told me about Julian being my, what again? My mind is so blurry, what's wrong with me? Something with a soul...ah, yes, soul mate! Julian...where is he again? Dominic said something about the basement and punishments...wait! Julian! He was punished because of me!

My soul mate being tortured because of me...

It's my fault...

My fault...




"Ok, that's enough; I'm tired of listening to her screaming Julian's name for God knows how many times! I'm leaving, oh, who cares what your dad is going to do to me!" Grace the werewolf threw her hands in the air before standing up from her stool to leave.

I glared at her from my bed. "That's really sweet, you know. The first thing that I have to hear was you being noisy. How 'bout you start asking me how I feel?"

Grace glared back and I fight the urge to squirm back into the covers. She had her long waist-length hair tied in a high ponytail and she looked extremely intimidating by just standing at her full height. She narrowed her eyes at me, "Really, Christopher, I don't understand why you want to be bothered with such a nutcase."

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