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Epilogue: Missing You

The door burst open and instantly I felt the weight being lifted off me. I was already blacking out from the lack of oxygen as I felt strong arms, holding me and asking me whether I was ok. But I was too tired to answer or care for that matter, what the heck are all those people around me fussing about. My eyes were closing and the world was spinning. All I could hear was loud annoying sounds of things crashing and massive shouting's going on.

The last thing I remembered was a pair of blue eyes and a silent 'Please don't leave me'.

"That will be three-forty, thank you."

The lady behind the desk smiled warmly at me and I returned the smile. The weather was hot and little kids in swimsuits ran by, screaming and laughing. I dodge just in time before a little kid barely five run towards me with an ice-cream in hand. I laughed a little when the kid gave me an apologetic smile before scurrying pass me to join her little friends by the sand.

I found an empty spot, over viewing the sea and sat comfortably as I watched kids with their families' picnic down the beach. Some teenagers in groups playing beach ball, laughing and high-fiving each other each time they scored a game. Girls in the tiniest bikinis sat under the sun tanning, in the mean time, trying to catch that really hot washboard abs life-guard's attention.

Sipping on the iced tea, I closed my eyes as I recalled memories I've hid at the furthest corner of my mind.

Everything that happened at the Donahue mansion seemed like a far off memory that never would have even happened in the most possible imagination. People I have met, they don't seem real to me anymore. Vampires, werewolves; are they even supposed to exist? Maybe God thinks it will be funnier to mess with people's life by putting in weird creatures that aren't supposed to exist.

Choices; things we have to made every minute of our life.

And I did mine.

To follow my soul mate or to stay behind with the possible person I might find love with.

But I choose none.

They didn't know that I crept out of the mansion that day. Or maybe they know but pretend not to. They might have suspected something was fishy with me that day; hugging each and every one of them.

Why did I make this choice of leaving both of them, you may ask?

That's because I can't choose. I want Julian, but I can't leave Dominic. I have to admit that I am not in love with Dominic, but something attracts me to him. Something I have felt from the very first day I met him.

All of them have amused looks on their pretty little faces except for Horatio and the emo looking guy sitting at the farthest corner of the room with the expression on his face as if he is mad at the whole world.

I've decided to like the emo guy better since at least he doesn't bite like the rest do.

As if he could read my thoughts, the emo guy instantly looked up right at me and bared his fangs out.

Ok, I take my words back. I don't like him that much either.

"And, this is Dominic." Horatio said, waving a hand at his youngest son who just eyed me with an annoyed look. He was the emo looking one with the black diamond stud choker. One side of his ears was pierced and I could bet that his tongue is too. Everything was black, except for his pale skin, bright blonde hair that fell to his eyes and his clear icy blue eyes.

Somehow Dominic didn't seem to like me at all.

A smirk crept its way up my lips; how many times had he tried to kill me but end up saving me all over again?

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