Chapter 3 : Broken Hearts

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Two days went by and I had a load of homework, 2 group projects, and boyfriend drama. I woke up thursday and Nicole was already up and getting dress. I had fed Destinee and Jewel then me and Nicole left for school. As I pulled up to the school I had saw Keysha with some new boy. He was a fine young thang. In my head I was thinking some weird things like "why was she with him and not her boyfriend"? The day had went by and we were in 3rd period work on this group project in Literature. I had Maquise, my cheer sister Alexis, Essence and her bestfriend Destiny. We were all pretty close friends. When Ms. Simms said there was going to be a group project, we already knew who was gonna be in the group. We were the only group in the class that was almost done with this project. Everyone else haven't even started their project. After lunch i went to my locker to get some books out for next period. As I shut my locker, i felt arms wrapped around my hips. I turned around to see that it was Shakim. "Hey Bae." he said trying to kiss me like everything was all cool. I pushed away and just stood there with there with these thoughts running through my head. "What's wrong?" he asked that like he dont't already know. He knew  i probably had seen him and Chandra all hugged up and all on instagram. "We're over Shakim. I can't keep dealing with your shit. You've tried tovplay cool acting like I haven't seen you and Chandra all hugged up

and together. First at the mall and now all on instagram and even showin out in school. Do you know how embarrasig that is to see that and people I know to see that. You  are a no good, dirty dog." I took a deep breath waiting to hear some type of excuse or apology. "Look here Shanice, you are a great girl and we have a miracle together. You are beautiful and smart, so don't be stupid and dump me because of some hoe you see me with." Did this nigga just say that to me. As I started to talk, Chandra had came up with he girls. "Hey baby,"  giving him a kiss on the mouth. Did this trick just kiss my man right in front of me. "Are we still going baby shopping after school" she asked, giving me a real ugly look, rubbing her stomach. I was trying so hard not to break down in tears. I didn't even wait to hear his response. I turned around with so much anger in me and stormed off. All my classes after that, I was zoned out. I saw the teacher pointing at me probably asking me question but I didnt hear anything but the audio of Chandra asking that same question over and over again "Are we still going baby shopping after school". It was like a broken record. I couldn't wait till the end of school.

It was 4:30 and time for cheer tryouts; It didnt end till 5:45. First we watched one by one audition and eliminated 2 or 3 people. There were sixteen girls at tryouts, only 10 were gonna make it. After we watched the girl tryout, it was time to go. I grabbed my cheer bag, went to pick up Destinee then drove home. Once I pulled up, I took Destinee out of the car and we went inside. I didnt even go to say hi on my mom or Nicole, I was to upset to talk to anyone.

I went up to my room, changed Destinee, then put her to sleep. I took my shower and put my pajamas on. As I got confortable in bed and turned my tv on, I had received a text from Marquise. I haven't talked to him since 3rd period discussing the project. I honestly didnt want to open it but i did anyway.

"I saw what happen with you and Shakim after lunch. You are beautiful and dont deserve to be treated like that. Just know that Im here for you if you need anything. Im sorry and Hope to see you tomorrow. Luv ya babygirl and I always will" -Quisee

That text had all types of thoughts running through my head. I actually had a smile on my face. I missed being with Marquise more than ever.  To be brief so I could go to sleep, I replied.

"Thnx for being here Quisee.

Love you always. Good Night"

As the music choice started to play, I dosed off and started to dream. Also just wondering what tomorrow will bring.

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