Chapter 5 : Love and Fights

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Today was the due date for this Lit project. I was so relieved when I turned it in, so was everybody else. It was almost end of the semester and I noticed that I started to cut Keysha and Ni-Ni off big time. It was lunch time, Alexis and I was my locker discussing cheers for practice later on today. Marquise and Alexis's boyfriend, Shawn, come up. I shut my locker, kissed Marquise and headed to to lunch. Technically it was a double date but we was in school. 

The four of us we talking about my birthday that was coming up next month, December 15. Then out of nowhere we see people running toward the center of the cafeteria. We got up to see what was going on, it was Keysha and some girl that looked real familiar. The girl was throwing some fists though. Then Keysha just started swinging the girl by her hair, pulling some braids out. You hear people cheering and screaming.

After a good 5 minutes, 2 resources officers come breaking up the fight. Everybody kept saying that Keysha was dating the girl's boyfriend. But i didnt care since I havent hung out with them in 2 months.

That was the talk of the school for a good 3days once everyone forgot about. It Friday and time for the homecoming game. But first we had out pep rally.

Everyone was turnt. We havent lost a game yer so we werent worried. As the band played "Yayo", the cheerleaders cheered and the dancers danced, Essence always made sure that they had some good stands and field shows.  As for us cheerleaders, the team had nothing to worry about, me and Alexis stayed on point with our cheers.

Night was over score and 30 -15. Mom and Nicole was in the stands with Destinee wrapped up in 2 layers of clothes. I was so ready to go home but it was honecoming, we had to go out and celebrate.

My mom, Nicole, Marquise, Alexis and Shawn all went to Golden Coral. We talked and had so much fun. Come to find out Nicole had a boyfriend that was in the 7th grade. She said they have been dating for 1 month and a half now and we are just now figuring this out. My mom was pretty calm about the situation unlike some mothers. I was happy for her though. We all stayed out till about 12:30. I had to make sure Destinee didnt get sick. Once we all got home, I fed Jewel and changed Destinee then went to sleep. Didnt really feel like checking my phone that night.

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