Chapter Two - Explaining Things

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K.O. sat down in the cat bed, much like the one he and Potato had found. "Sorry about it being a cat bed," Mutie said. "That's the only kind we actually had available."

She sat down in front of him, her legs crossed. "Okay, so get your ears ready to listen, this is going to be a bit long to explain but I'll try to explain it as quickly and briefly as I can," she said, sighing. K.O. just nodded, so she started to explain.

"When the wipeout had happened, the first place attacked was P.O.I.N.T HQ, followed by P.O.I.N.T Academy. The attack was so unexpected, nobody had any idea that it was going to happen. The attacks were so powerful to the point where it actually seemed impossible. We could only assume that the villain's have been planning the wipeout for a long time," she explained.

"Anyway, cut to the part to where it was about a week after everything had happened. A few members of P.O.I.N.T Academy had survived, including me, and a single member of P.O.I.N.T HQ had survived. We met up somehow, I actually can't remember, and we were all relieved to know that there were some of us alive." K.O. listened in interest, imagining every bit of it.

"Anyway, once again skipping some unimportant things, we traveled around and found some other heroes, who decided to go with us. Luckily, all of this was was going on when the villains were still getting around and haven't yet completely ruled over everything. At this time they were very widely spread out while looking for heroes, so we all avoided the areas the villains were in to get around. Because of this, we got around easier and found this small place underground.

K.O. continued to listen to her speak.

"We then decided to go in there and make it our home. After a while of staying there and going out to get supplies every night, some of us decided to look for any other surviving heroes. It took a lot of searching, but eventually we found a few, and every so often we would find one or two heroes roaming around hidden areas in places and citied where villains live."

"Eventually, the area got a tiny bit more crowded, and so we had to leave to find a place a bit bigger. We took the small amount of supplies we had, which wasn't much but it was enough to feed everyone once a week for about a month or a month it a half, and we left and eventually found the place we're in now."

K.O. sighed to himself, confused a tiny bit. It was crazy to him how all of this could actually happen in the first place. Then he remembered that he was in fact surviving in an environment like he is and one where every villain seems to be out to get him, so he just shook it off.

"Anyway, still cutting out some unimportant parts of the story, it was starting to get a tiny bit out of hand. Me and the other person from P.O.I.N.T Academy and the one person from P.O.I.N.T HQ decided that a small order would need to be set. We made some rules that heroes had to follow, and assigned each hero a job to do. Some had to get food when we were low on it, others had to go and see if any other heroes were around, some treated the heroes that were injured, and other things." After this, Mutie stopped to take a few deep breaths before continuing.

"My job is to usually to check for other heroes, which is a job that only a few people get. I got it because I'm one of the people who run this whole thing because I'm one of the three people that helped start it. It's really a thing that only we get, with a rare occasion of someone else also getting the job. Anyway, I was just doing what I do and looking for heroes, when I saw you guys. I decided to write a note and give it to you, hoping you guys would actually listen and come to where I was, and to my surprise, you actually did."

"But why didn't you just let us know and actually take us instead of having us travel by ourselves and cause all this trouble and death?"

"We were trying out a new thing," Mutie said quickly in response. "It was to see if you were willing to take the risk and able to trust me. It didn't seem to work out well, though, so I'll inform the others that we're going to resort to the original way."

K.O. took a deep breath. This was a lot to take in, but he think he got the idea of what Mutie was saying.

Or at least he hoped he did.

(A/N) Writing this chapter was certainly fun, especially with getting some of the plot going again! Yeah, this chapters mostly dialog, but it always excites me when writing chapters that get deeper into the plot and lore of the AU!

Also I'm updating at like 5:30ish instead of 9:30ish, so yay for early updating! xP

Haha, this is really all I need to say, actually. Welp, please vote and comment I'd you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter! ^.^

(OLD) Under the Ashes (book two) - OK K.O.! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now