Chapter Three - Answering Questions

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"Now, any other questions?" Mutie asked K.O. after she was done. He just looked at her, surprised and amazed at what she had told him.

"Umm, what kind of questions?" K.O. asked, rubbing the back of his head. He really didn't want to mess up his first impression, considering Mutie seem a bit important now that she said her story.

"Just whatever questions you have now, I guess. I'll be happy to answer them for you, I'm open to questions all the time actually."

K.O. looked down at the ground, thinking of questions to ask Mutie. He didn't really have any at first, until a few that he's had what seems like forever crawled into the front of his mind. "Um, do you know if my mom is okay?" He asked her. "She's been missing for a long time."

"I might. What's her name?"

"Carol Kincaid," K.O. said. "She used to be known as Silverspark when she was in P.O.I.N.T before it disbanded before I was born."

Mutie's eye went wide and she looked at K.O. in shock. "Wait, Carol?! She's your mom?" She asked, in obvious surprise. K.O. just nodded quietly in response, making Mutie's mouth drop. "I actually can't believe it. I knew she had a child, but I never expected it to be you! I wonder if the others know about this."

"Is she alive?" K.O. asked, looking up at her. "Please, I've been wondering and worrying about it for the longest time, I just need to know what happened to her."

"Yes, err, no, actually, we don't know," Mutie sighed. "Her status is unknown to all of us. We're trying to find her, but so far there's been no luck. We can't mark her status as dead until we find proof she's dead, so she's just currently MIA."

"Oh," was all K.O. could say in response. He was hoping they'd know the answer, and the fact they didn't surprised him. Though he did have a small bit of hope that his mom was actually alive and out there somewhere, but it wasn't big enough to last.

"What about Enid and Rad? They're my friends, or at least they used to be," K.O. asked. "Since the wipeout I've been wondering about them as well. I haven't been wondering about them as much as my mom but I've still been wondering about them."

"Enid rings a bell, but I don't think we have Enid in our group of heroes. Who knows, though? Elodie was out looking for heroes at the same time I was, maybe she found her and brought her back? Not sure."

"Wait, didn't you say you were --"

"Trying a new way to get heroes? Yeah, that was an only me thing because I offered to be the one to try it out. The other two agreed to let me try it out so I did," Mutie explained.

K.O. looked around, but then K.O. suddenly realized the name that Mutie said. "Hold on, who did you say was out looking for heroes other than you?" He asked, making sure that the name she said was actually what she said and that he wasn't hearing anything.

"Elodie?" Mutie responded, asking it as if it were a question. "Yeah, she's the other person that survived in P.O.I.N.T Academy. The person from P.O.I.N.T who survived was Foxtail, she's the leader of everyone, including us. Makes sense to why, she's the strongest and is the oldest out of everyone."

K.O.'s eyes went wide with disbelief. Out of all people, Elodie was one of the people to survive and maybe possibly found Enid. The chances of it were slim, but just the thought of it being able to happen made K.O. uncomfortable. Then again, who else would there have been? He was positive Elodie was the only person from P.O.I.N.T Academy that's been introduced, so it couldn't have been anybody else.

"What about Rad?" K.O. asked, trying to not think about Elodie finding Enid.

"Doesn't ring a bell, either. If he was friends with Enid he might've been found alongside her, if she was found that is, and taken back to the base."

"Those bastard bullies that beat me up and caused me to be depressed enough to jump off the roof of the bodega?" K.O. asked, growling a bit as he spoke about it.

Mutie looked at K.O. and laughed. She was surprised that he had a pretty colorful vocabulary, and she actually found that quite funny and amusing. "They're dead," she responded, smiling. "They were found by the villains and they suffered a fate worse than you did when you were tortured beyond belief and stuff alive."

"Really? That's good to know," K.O. said. Mutie nodded in response, and K.O. smiled for the first time in a while.

"They deserved it anyway."

(A/N) Yep, another fourth wall break, fite meh m8 xD

Also Elodie is alive! What a shocker! Hehehe, I really can't for her appearance, it'll be so much fun to write and see your reactions ;>

WELP, that's really all I need to say. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! ^.^

(OLD) Under the Ashes (book two) - OK K.O.! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now