Chapter Eleven - No Company

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"You done jinxed it, Mutie," Foxtail said, shaking her head. "You jinxed his dream, now I don't think he'll be able to sleep for a while." She looked over at K.O., who was curled up in a ball and rocking back and fourth in a corner.

"It's not my fault," she said. "It was the author's, I swear."

Silence filled the area for a small while but was broken once Mutie spoke again. "Anyway, I think we should start trying to find the location of his mom, he seems to miss her," she said. "But I think that would be difficult since his mom used to be Silverspark and -"

"Hold on, Silverspark?" She asked. "K.O. is her son?"

"I thought you knew that?"

"I did! Well, no, I didn't," she said. "I knew she had a son, but the fact that K.O. is her son surprises me. Then again, it really shouldn't. They seem to be so similar."

"The only difference is that Carol didn't loose her will to live when she had her dream of becoming a hero," Mutie sighed. "And honestly, it's quite sad, I feel bad for the kid given his situation and everything he's gone through."

"No hero deserves this, especially someone as young as K.O.," Foxtail looked to the side and sighed. "Truthfully, I feel bad for him. The fact that Turbo is out to get him and the fact he's lost almost everyone that he cares about."

"Honestly, him finding Enid again after so long made me feel good," Mutie said. "I can't imagine the pain he was going through not knowing if his friends were alive. The fact that his mom is currently MIA must still really hurt him, but I think the fact he knows one of his friends is alive is easing that pain a bit."

Mutie looked over at Enid, who was still asleep like everyone else, minus her, Foxtail, and K.O. It was the middle of the day, and yet they couldn't sleep.

"Y'know, sometimes I wonder what would happen if this entire apocalyptic thing didn't happen," Mutie said. "I mean, yeah, it was bad, but it also brought us heroes closer together. If things go back to normal, I think we would all stick together and not let this happen again."

"Agreed," Foxtail said in response. "But we need to keep K.O. safe from you know who, because if he finds him -"

"We wouldn't stand a chance and would all be dead." Mutie's voice when quiet, and she looked down at the ground. It went quiet for a moment, and maybe a bit too quiet. You could hear crickets and even K.O. letting out a quiet cough despite not being near the two.

"Honestly, at this point it feels like everything is being repetitive," Mutie said after a while of silence. "The chapters start to b the same when you're trying not to progress the plot forward. And when there's so many ideas you have but don't know when to put them in or how. It gets stressful sometimes."

"It does indeed," Foxtail responded. She looked back over at K.O., who was still rocking back and fourth in the corner. "I think I'm going to go give him a hug," Foxtail slowly and quietly walked over to him and knelt down to his height. "How are you doing K.O.?" She asked him, making him stop rocking back and fourth and look up at her.

"I have no will to live and I just want to die, I'm doing perfectly fine, thank you for asking," he said, his voice somewhat agitated.

"Come here," Foxtail sighed, opening her arms out wide. K.O. looked down at the ground and looked back up at her and slowly crawled toward her. She gave him a quick hug and then let him go, hoping that hug would help him feel a little bit better.

He didn't say anything and just looked at her. She stood back up and K.O. let out a sigh. "Thanks," he said under his breath. "That totally took away all my problems."

"Look, kid, I'm trying to help you," she said. "We all are. If you'd just -"

"I know you are," K.O. sighed. "But I'm going through a lot right now and it's not helping the author is low on motivation for updating which is causing me not to get any character development."

Foxtail looked at K.O. with a slightly sad look. She knew what he meant, and she just let out another sigh. She decided to go ahead and leave K.O. alone.

He seemed to not want company right now.

(A/n) I'm so sorry that this chapter is really bad and just... Ew. The last time I worked on this was in May so I was just trying to finish this so you guys can have an actual update for once

I hate this chapter and everything about it. I don't want to give up on this AU, I really don't. But I'm just... Completely out of motivation for actual constant updates and I need to make myself write it

Maybe one day my motivation will come back, but until then you're either stuck with crappy updates like this and / or updates that take a very long time to make

Ahahah this is getting long. I'm so sorry. I'm just gonna go ahead and publish this now...

(OLD) Under the Ashes (book two) - OK K.O.! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now