Chapter Nine - Even More Thinking

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K.O. sat against the wall, thinking to himself. He still didn't understand what Foxtail meant, and it didn't help that she refused to tell him what she had meant.

Now he was just sitting up against the wall with nothing at all to do but think about everything that went wrong with his life.

First, and most obvious, there was the wipeout. The one major thing that ruined his and a lot of other hero's lives. Because of that he lost his family, his friends, and everything else.

His other mistake was trying to come here with Colewort and Potato. Because of his decision, they both had died and were never coming back again. He wished he was back in the first book and that he could stop them from leaving.

The last one was that he wished he never got separated from T.K.O. long ago. He didn't understand exactly what was going on, but from what he's been hearing, T.K.O. was a big deal. Maybe that had to do with why he was such a big deal but he didn't really understand.

Then, he suddenly wondered what was going on in the outside world and what T.K.O. was doing. He assumed he was just doing something that he would normally do, but then again K.O. really would never know.

And he didn't know if he wanted to.


"Your evilness," Venomous said, resting on one knee and bowing. "I apologize for allowing Fink to deceive me like this. I have placed her in timeout and she is in very serious trouble."

"Why should I forgive you?" A strange yet familiar voice hissed back from the shadows. "Boxman's robots have failed multiple times, and the only villain I have to blame is you, for you're working with him!"

"Actually, there's something else I need to show you," Venomous declared. "If you would please step out of the shadows I'd be very happy to show you."

There was silence for a moment. "Very well," the voice said. "Though this better be worth it."

A familiar figure stepped out from the shadows, and all the sounds inside and outside went silent. The hair was fluffy and dark brown, going down to the waist. There was a familiar, blue vest worn over a white tank top, as well as dark blue shorts and pink legwarmers.

The eyelids were dark purple, and there were dark circles under the eyes. The mouth curled into a smile, revealing a slightly dull set of sharp teeth, almost like fangs.

"What is it?" The person growled. "And also, we've talked about this. No need to act all goody-goody and kiss my ass all the time. You just need to call me Turbo and greet me with respect. That's it."

"Oh, right," Venomous said. "I sort of forgot. Anyway, you want to know what I'm going to show you, correct?"

"Yes," Turbo responded. "Show me."

"Okay, follow me," Venomous said as he stood up. "Trust me, this is something you'll love."


K.O. continued to be dozed off until he heard Enid talk to him. "Yo, you doing okay, K.O.?" She asked. "You seem to be a bit distracted. Is the fact that filler chapters were promised yet there actually hasn't been any bothering you?"

"Huh? No," K.O. said, snapping back into reality. "And yeah, that is kind of messed up, but I've just been thinking about some other stuff."

"Look, K.O.," Enid said. "It might be rough, but honestly puberty is like that for everyone. Especially girls. You just have to ---"

"Wait, what?! NO!" K.O. shouted, a look of horror crossing his face. "Ew! No! What the heck, Enid?? I've just been thinking about life and how much it hates me. Like the only thing I can think about anymore is negative stuff."

Enid looked at K.O. with concern. She has heard from Mutie that he seems to be emotionally troubled, but she didn't really seem to notice him actually act like something was bugging him. "Look, K.O., everything might seem bad, but at least you aren't on a strange planet with gem and being experimented on and tortured."

"Is... That a reference to something?" K.O. asked, slightly confused.

"Uh, yes - er, no - um, I mean, I don't really know."

K.O. just shrugged and looked down. So many thoughts crossed his mind, and he was even remembering a small thing he did a few months before the wipeout. He was reading this story about a boy named Steven and was trapped on a ship by people who hated his mom and also thought he was his own mom.

It was a brief memory, but remembering that made him cheer up a tiny bit for some odd reason. Though the memory went away as soon as it came to mind, and he immediately forgot about it.

Then he looked back up at Enid, who was now talking to Elodie

And they got along just fine.

(A/N) Yay I finally managed to update, haha. Welp, I hope you enjoyed the fourth wall breaks and meta jokes, haha!

Also this is the last full week of school this year, and then next week we go Monday and Tuesday, then we're off until January 4th. Man, 2017 is almost over, doesn't feel like it.

And after January, there's February, which is my favorite month since I have an early February birthday (the 3rd) and I like my birthdays because I get money :>

Why am I telling you guys this? Idk, I'm just bored lmao xD

Anyway, that's all I'm gonna say. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! ^.^

(OLD) Under the Ashes (book two) - OK K.O.! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now