Chapter Eight - The Rules to Follow

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K.O. and Enid sat and talked for a while until Mutie came over to them. "Hey, I see you've been talking with your friend," Mutie says. "That's good, I'm glad you two are finally reunited. It's about time to get a small break from wll this plot and do some filler and less plot related chapters for a little while."

"You're the one that brought him here, right?" Enid asked. "If so, thank you. I'm unable to express how grateful I am to see him again."

"Yep, and no problem," Mutie responded. "It's cool. Anyway, I think since you're both new here I'm going to have Foxtail come over here and explain things to you because she's much better at it than I am."

K.O. and Enid nodded as Mutie walked off, a few minutes later Foxtail came up to them. Her outfit was mostly the same, with some tears here and there as well bandages going down her right shoulder down to her elbow.

"So, you're the two new heroes?" She asked, eyeing both K.O. and Enid as she spoke. "Yeah," Enid responded. "I'm Enid."

K.O. hesitated, too intimidated by her presence to say anything. Though Foxtail seemed to already know who he was because she shifted her gaze to K.O. and spoke. "And you're K.O., I presume?" He slowly nodded in responded, too scared to say something that would make him look like a fool.

A large smile crossed her face, confusing K.O. "It is an honor to finalize meet you," she declared, making K.O. just look up at her. "You has no idea how amazing it is for you to be alive and with our group. If we would've known Mutie would have found you, we would have had her follow the normal routine and take you here herself."

"Umm," was all K.O. could really say right now because he was so shook and confused about everything. Since he's met Mutie, everyone has been so shocked to know that he was around. He didn't understand why everyone acted like he was the most important person in the world.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to you in a bit," she told him. "For now, I'm going to talk to Enid."

Foxtail turned to face Enid, who immediately went to a more straight rather than slouched posture the moment she was faced. "Yes, ma'am?" Enid asked, trying to sound as polite as she could.

"As you've heard, we have some rules around here and jobs assigned to each hero," Foxtail said. "And because you're here now, those rules must apply to you as well. Your job as of right now is currently being decided upon, so it'll be a bit until you have one. I will tell you the rules, though, and I except you to abide by them."

Enid nodded, and so Foxtail continued. "I'll be reading these aloud to you, however these will be written down in a list-like fashion for convenience for the readers," Foxtail declared as she cleared her throat, ready to read the rules out loud.

"1) You are not allowed to leave the base during the daylight unless it's an emergency or it's a life-threatening situation.

2) You are only allowed to eat once a week due to our limited supplies.

(OLD) Under the Ashes (book two) - OK K.O.! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now