Chapter Four - ToGeThEr FoReVeR

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K.O. continued asking Mutie questions, most of them being nonsensical. After the questions, the two just went to a normal conversation, and they just simply talked for a bit until Mutie said it was time for K.O. to rest.

"I'm going to let you sleep the rest of the time that you're here," Mutie declared. "It's beginning to become morning and I want you to rest before I get you up tonight when I'm taking you to the location I've been telling you about."

"Wait, you go out at night?" K.O. asked, causing Mutie to nod in response.

"Yep," she said. "It makes it easier to get around and hunt for resources and heroes. Also night seems like the best option for you to leave anyway, since you're definitely not going to get a very happy ending if you go out during the day and get caught by a villain."

K.O. just looked at the ground and let out a small yawn. He just realized that he's extremely tired and exhausted from everything that's happened today, and he just realized how much he wanted to go to bed.

"Don't worry, though," Mutie said. "I'll inform Foxtail of your arrival while you're asleep. Go ahead and rest, I'll wake you up when it's time."

With that, K.O. lied down on the bed, and drifted off to sleep.

K.O. was back at the beginning. There he was, sitting on his cardboard bed while Colewort and Potato were taking to each other. He let out a gasp and covered his mouth in shock. He didn't want to be back here, not after everything that had happened.

He just closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. Sighing, he carefully stood up and walked over to Colewort and Potato, about ready to hear them talk to him about getting food.

Though to his surprise, they didn't do anything. They just stood there, not moving or even speaking. They were frozen in time and as lifeless as a statue. "Potato? Colewort?" He asked, his throat getting dry. "Are you guys there? Is that you?"

(OLD) Under the Ashes (book two) - OK K.O.! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now